Hey sweet town, hope you had a good Valentines Day! There are all kinds of fun things on the horizon, so read carefully.
Councilman Jim Foley told me that the new playground for Pufferbelly Park is scheduled to be installed in April, just in time for warmer weather! We can’t wait to see it.
There are so many business renovations springing up around town. We’ve heard wonderful things about the big renovations at Luck Chevrolet, and we love the work that Chopper Dawson & Becky McKown have done to the old shop on Center Street. It makes the empty Ashland Theater & the broken windows on England Street that much more apparent.
The circus has arrived in Richmond, and if you’re planning on going, you can take pride in knowing that our Ashland Feed Store is supplying the food for the elephants! Ringling Brothers called Danny & said they needed “Elephant chow.” Isn’t that a great request?
The St. Ann’s Casino Night is this Saturday, February 18th . Tickets are $20 per person, and that includes dinner and some chips to start off your evening. There are always lots of wonderful things up for auction: trips, club memberships, spa trips, etc. A good time is always had by all.
Dolly, the Greyhound- who-loves-to-be-read-to, returns to the Ashland Library on Saturday, February 25th. Stop by the Library to sign up for a time slot for your child to read to Dolly. We all know that dogs can be wonderful listeners.
Happy Birthday to Sam Voekler of Elmont and Zachary Rutherford of Montpelier who both celebrated this past weekend!
Hurry up and get your tickets for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” which will be performed at Duncan Memorial Church on February 25th, 25th, and 26th. Tickets are $5 per person with children 6 and under free. Proceeds support Duncan youth mission projects, retreats, and special programs. For more information, call 798-7224.
Plan on being at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center this Saturday, February 18th for the first event in a three-part series for Black History Month. “Black History in Story, Film and Dance” will feature nationally-known storyteller Dylan Pritchett. These are free events, but donations are appreciated. Look for details about the other events to come on March 16 at the Firehouse Theater and May 6 at the Center.
And a big birthday kiss to our town as Ashland celebrates its 154 th year this Sunday, February 19th! Show your town some affection by walking her sidewalks and shopping in her stores.
I told you there was a lot going on! Call or email me if I have missed something: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a wonderful weekend, fingers crossed for snow!