Spring has burst out all over this past week. Everyday it seemed as though something new was blooming, and over-night the grass has started to grow in the yard. We have had to shut out windows as our southern yellow pines have begun blooming as well, spreading their yellow pollen everywhere. But I do miss falling asleep to the sound of the frogs from Meachum’s Creek.
There were lots of birthdays in town this past week: Mayor Faye Pritchard, Elizabeth Melson, Jeremy Witt, Chris Dull, and Annika Cline. I hope everyone met their quota for icing and presents!
Cross Brothers Grocery Store is celebrating its 100 Anniversary this year! Do you know how lucky we are to have a store that possesses this kind of staying power? Think of all the stores that have come and gone just in your lifetime: Thalhimers, Ames, A & P. Cross Brothers has weathered it all! Come gather in the store this Friday from 4-6 and participate in a “Cash Mob” to show your love.
Congratulations to Rodney Bardwell and Tom Grant who ran 100K races this past weekend in Florida. I love it when ordinary people show extraordinary strength and endurance. Sign up for the Railroad Run 10K at the end of April and break your own record! Register at www.hanoverarts.org, or stop by the Center for a form.
Come see a wonderful movie at your Ashland Firehouse Theater this Saturday: “Life is Beautiful” about life inside a concentration camp during WWII. This important piece of cinema won three Academy Awards, including a Best Actor Oscar given to Roberto Benigni. Does anyone remember how he stood up in his seat when they called his name? It was such a genuine Hollywood moment. As always, tickets are free with popcorn and drinks available for sale. The curtain goes up at 7:30pm!
Ashwood Gardens celebrates its 10th anniversary this weekend with all kinds of wonderful events. You know that you need to work on your yard, so stop by the nursery from 9 to 5pm for planting demonstrations, door prizes, sweet treats, and as always, gorgeous plants and flowers! Visit their website, www.ashwoodgardens.com for more details.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great weekend!
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