Hey Ashland, Happy Leap Day! You’ve got to do something different today, something special to mark this date. Poor old February 29th, it’s a lonely date stuck in limbo while waiting to appear on our calendars every four years. Someone should have a party or a parade, or maybe a celebratory race.
Teen Tech Week , and snacks will be served.

If your kids are too young to appreciate Guitar Hero, bring them out for Dr. Seuss’ birthday party on Thursday, March 6th, at 6:30 pm. Celebrate with stories read by special readers, games, balloon, crafts, and more! This party is co-sponsored by the Henry Clay Women's Club and the Friends of the Ashland Library.
You will get tired of me mentioning this, but one of the most important parts of the Ashland 150 Celebration is the Hall of Fame Committee. Sandra Lynne and I want to find stories of the characters of Ashland- the slightly odd or maybe eccentric who make us smile and give us stories to tell. Jeremy, isn’t there an Elvis who walks around Virginia Street? The pictures and stories we assemble will become a traveling exhibit that will be displayed around town and on the web. Email Sandra (or me) with any names or suggestions: slynne@hanover.k12.va.us.
Put a big red circle around Saturday, March 15th on your calendar. The 30th running of the Ashland Railroad Run will be taking place at 9 am, and even if you’re not going to run it, then pull out your best outfits from 1978 and come hang out with us at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center. We love having people to cheer the runners along the race route. Visit http://www.hanoverarts.com/ for an entry form and a map of the race.
If you’re doing any spring cleaning these days, think about Henry Clay and Gandy before you take kid’s clothes to Good Will. The nurses in the clinics are usually in need of clothes to have on hand for those who need something warm.
You really need to get your family’s information to the 150 Yearbook committee. Your children will look at this yearbook years from now and want to know why you didn’t take the time to include them. It doesn’t cost anything to submit you history, and it will be a better yearbook for having you in it. Brenda Flippo (798-7419) will be at the Ashland Library on Tuesday, March 13th from 2-4pm to help write it if you need it. The entries are due April 1st. Do not let this deadline slip by!
This Thursday, March 6th, Liberty Middle School is having its annual Talent Show starting at 6:30 pm. Come early at 5 pm and enjoy a Potato Dinner and a silent auction. There will also be a demonstration of the new Smart Board technology that Liberty is fortunate to have. Tickets to the Show are $3 and dinner also costs $3. Proceeds benefit the Liberty PTA. Call Debbie Agliano at 883-6160 with questions.
It’s a beautiful time of year to be living in Ashland. The dogwoods and redbuds are just starting to come out. Nancy Hugo would tell us to get out in our yards and start looking for those first green shoots that pop up, and the baby chicks will be in the Feed Store before you know it. I can be reached at (804) 310-5320 or email ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great week!