The Ashland Farmers Market is bursting at the seams with fresh, local produce these days! You can find everything you need for your kitchen from the vegetables and meats, to home-baked bread, and flowers to decorate. Stop by every Saturday morning from 9am until noon.
Congratulations to the mighty Ashland Barracudas who won their first swim meet against the Milestone Makos by over 500 points! It looks like those Barracudas are on their way to a third undefeated season, and while they do have some amazing swimmers, there are a ton of volunteers who make sure those meets run smoothly.
The Hanover Arts and Activities Center still has room in their summer Theater camp for rising 1st through 8th graders. If you’ve ever seen any theater or musical production that has been produced through the Center, then you know how amazing this camp will be! The camp runs July 5th through July 21st from 12:30 to 2:45pm. Register now online at http://www.hanoverarts.org/, or in person at the Center, 500 South Center St.
The Center will also be offering Improvisation classes for teens on July 6, 7, 13, and 14 from 3-5pm at the Center. The cost is $10 per session, and you can sign up for all or individual dates. Please call Faith Boyle if your teenager would like to attend: 798-2728.
If you didn’t get a copy of that Ashland Variety Show and would like to see some of that amazing talent again, please give the Center a call, 798-2728. I can tell you that those DVDs are providing hours of entertainment at our house!
Happy Belated birthday to Oliver Mudd who turned 5 recently!
Congratulations to all of the local kids who graduated from high school! Maggie Chambers, Kevin Cook, and Jimmy Foley will be leaving town shortly to begin their great adventure.
Enjoy this warm, humid weather. I heard a cicada the other day; there is hardly another sound which is more “summer” to me, except maybe the slam of a screen door or the hum of a fan in a window. Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great weekend!