Ladies and Gentlemen, the score now stands Lower Ashland: 1; Western Ashland: 1. Congratulations to Tim Crowder who knew that I was talking about the Ashland Feed Store last week in the contest, and won a $10 gift certificate! The secret word was a clue, too. For those of you who don't know, owner Danny Adams ran in the San Diego Marathon several years ago. Look further down the column for this week's contest.
The Ashland Farmer's Market opens this Saturday! We're really lucky to have a Farmer's Market in town, and if you can walk to it, you're luckier still. Come out and see all the early vegetables, find some beautiful flowers to put on your kitchen table, and some freshly baked breakfast goodies. You can find out more information on the town website: http://www.town.ashland.va.us.com/.
The Farmer's Market sits on the parking lot of the Town Hall, which, if you're a Town resident, is where you need to be on Tuesday, May 6th to vote for Town Council. This is a really important opportunity that you need to grab a hold of. This governing body is responsible for running our sweet town; they make decisions about growth, capital improvements (sidewalks), and the services that our taxes pay for. We want this group of people to be dedicated, trust-worthy, dependable, and (here's a big one) steadfast. We need people who have shown their love and support of this town. Come out and vote!
Congratulations to all the Catholic children who celebrated their First Communion at St. Ann's recently, including Kellan Morris, Madison Spence, Jack Wheeler, and Sadie Flag.
The Ashland Pool is opening soon- have you turned in your membership? It is THE place to be in the summer- all the best people are there.
Congratulations to Tamra Bardwell and Tom Hatz who competed in the National Duathalon in Richmond this past weekend! Riding a bike and running by themselves are difficult at times, but when you combine them and start running as soon as you jump off the bike- that it a feat unto itself.
The Central Virginia Masterworks Chorale will present two performances of its 2010 spring concert featuring Mozart’s Coronation Mass and Randall Thompson’s Frostiana: Seven Country Songs. The first performance will be Thursday, May 13, 7:00 pm, at Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church, in Ashland, and the second will be Sunday, May 16, 7:00 pm, at Grace Baptist Church, 4200 Dover Road, in Richmond. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students, and may be purchased in advance at Cross Brothers’ Grocery or from any Chorale member, and may also be purchased at the door prior to each performance. To reserve tickets, call 804-798-3283.
This Saturday, May 1st, the Firehouse Theater presents "Charade" by Alfred Hitchcock at 7:30 pm staring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn- their only movie together! The movie is set in Paris and Johnny Mercer wrote the music for it- so you know that the score is fabulous. The Firehouse Theater is in the old Ashland Firehouse at the corner of Duncan and Hanover Ave. Tickets are $6 and refreshments are available at the concession stand.
Do you mind if I tell you a quick story? May 1st is a special day; it's May Day. When I was at school (all-girls boarding school) all the seniors (Sixes) would get up early and decorate the entire school with flowers. Everyone would wake up to find flowers outside their dorm room doors, and all the teachers would have flowers in their classrooms. I'm sure the azaleas were decimated, but everything did look really nice. I think it's a nice tradition to continue, so an early Happy May Day! Pick some flowers, bring them inside, give them away.
Ok, I hope you didn't skip to the end, but read through all the other Ashland News. Here's the third installment of the Ashland Column Contest. Figure out the clue, be the first to go to the business and say the secret word, and you'll win a $10 gift certificate to that store! The clue is: "This young business helps us wake up in the morning and has a very good sense of humor." The secret word is:"schnitzel."
The column will be here next week, but the contest has to take a hiatus. It will return the week of May 10th. Call or email me with your Ashland News: 310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a wonderful week! Auf Wiedersehen!

The Farmer's Market sits on the parking lot of the Town Hall, which, if you're a Town resident, is where you need to be on Tuesday, May 6th to vote for Town Council. This is a really important opportunity that you need to grab a hold of. This governing body is responsible for running our sweet town; they make decisions about growth, capital improvements (sidewalks), and the services that our taxes pay for. We want this group of people to be dedicated, trust-worthy, dependable, and (here's a big one) steadfast. We need people who have shown their love and support of this town. Come out and vote!
Congratulations to all the Catholic children who celebrated their First Communion at St. Ann's recently, including Kellan Morris, Madison Spence, Jack Wheeler, and Sadie Flag.
The Ashland Pool is opening soon- have you turned in your membership? It is THE place to be in the summer- all the best people are there.
Congratulations to Tamra Bardwell and Tom Hatz who competed in the National Duathalon in Richmond this past weekend! Riding a bike and running by themselves are difficult at times, but when you combine them and start running as soon as you jump off the bike- that it a feat unto itself.
The Central Virginia Masterworks Chorale will present two performances of its 2010 spring concert featuring Mozart’s Coronation Mass and Randall Thompson’s Frostiana: Seven Country Songs. The first performance will be Thursday, May 13, 7:00 pm, at Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church, in Ashland, and the second will be Sunday, May 16, 7:00 pm, at Grace Baptist Church, 4200 Dover Road, in Richmond. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students, and may be purchased in advance at Cross Brothers’ Grocery or from any Chorale member, and may also be purchased at the door prior to each performance. To reserve tickets, call 804-798-3283.
This Saturday, May 1st, the Firehouse Theater presents "Charade" by Alfred Hitchcock at 7:30 pm staring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn- their only movie together! The movie is set in Paris and Johnny Mercer wrote the music for it- so you know that the score is fabulous. The Firehouse Theater is in the old Ashland Firehouse at the corner of Duncan and Hanover Ave. Tickets are $6 and refreshments are available at the concession stand.
Do you mind if I tell you a quick story? May 1st is a special day; it's May Day. When I was at school (all-girls boarding school) all the seniors (Sixes) would get up early and decorate the entire school with flowers. Everyone would wake up to find flowers outside their dorm room doors, and all the teachers would have flowers in their classrooms. I'm sure the azaleas were decimated, but everything did look really nice. I think it's a nice tradition to continue, so an early Happy May Day! Pick some flowers, bring them inside, give them away.
Ok, I hope you didn't skip to the end, but read through all the other Ashland News. Here's the third installment of the Ashland Column Contest. Figure out the clue, be the first to go to the business and say the secret word, and you'll win a $10 gift certificate to that store! The clue is: "This young business helps us wake up in the morning and has a very good sense of humor." The secret word is:"schnitzel."
The column will be here next week, but the contest has to take a hiatus. It will return the week of May 10th. Call or email me with your Ashland News: 310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a wonderful week! Auf Wiedersehen!