Train-tinitus (n.) - An affliction suffered by Ashland residents when away from home for an extended period of time. Symptoms may include a high degree of agitation and a rash resembling tiny red cabooses (cabosii). Carole Rodman (Wendy Doyle’s mother) was kind enough to remind me of this malady, which I actually suffered from this summer. When we spent some time at a little town on the coast, my mind kept mistaking the horn of the ferry boat for the whistle of a train. They’re really pretty similar in tone and the captain seemed to hold the blast for the same length of time as the conductors. It was especially confusing in the early morning when it would wake me up and I would think that I was home in Ashland.
Carole recommends recording the sounds of passing trains at the depot and then listening to it several times while you’re away. I say just don’t leave.
The weather right now is perfect for getting outside. The Ashland Harvest 10K Run is Saturday, October 25th beginning at 9am from Carter Park, with the 5K Run/Walk beginning at 9:10 am. This race is organized by the Ashcake Women’s Club and is a fundraiser for the St. James Free-Clinic and ACES. Visit http://www.ashlandharvestrun.com/ for more details, or call Becky Pollard at 798-9341.
Kiddie Kingdom had a wonderful birthday party this past weekend full of sweet treats, fun games, and alumnae. Can you believe that they've been taking care of Ashland's children for 40 years? That says a lot about the business they run and the quality of care that they give. Many happy returns!
A reverent happy birthday to Father Chris Haydinger, rector of St. Ann’s Catholic Church. We Catholics consider ourselves very lucky to have such a wonderful priest who not only guides us in the right direction, but always has free donuts on Sunday morning.

November 1st will be a fun day at the Ashland Farmer’s Market. They will be holding their annual Seed Swap as well as having live music and wonderful fall fruits and vegetables. The Saturday before Thanksgiving will be a special holiday market with lots of pumpkins, I’m sure. I wonder if that pumpkin ice cream is back at the Club Car?
Gardens & Nursery’s 3rd Annual Pumpkin Chunk-A-Thon Saturday, November 1, 2008 from 10 AM-3 PM. The Chunk-A-Thon benefits Hanover Arc, a non-profit organization that provides services to adults and children with disabilities. A $5 donation includes a chance to catapult a pumpkin from a large wooden trebujet towards a target to win a prize. There will also be hot dogs, face painting, hayrides and a giant corn maze. Please call Hanover Arc @ 798-2400 or Ashwood Gardens & Nursery @ 798-2280 for more information.
Congratulations to the 2008 ODAC Champion Randolph-Macon Baseball team! We were out on the football field at Randolph-Macon the other afternoon while the kids practiced their songs for the 150 celebration. Susan Winkler, music teacher extraordinaire at Gandy, was directing the kids with her microphone, and behind them the baseball team was practicing. As the children started singing the Star-Spangled Banner, every single one of those ball players took off their caps, and stood facing those kids until the song was done. I don't think any of the kids noticed it because they were facing the other direction, but I hope all the parents in the stands saw it. It seems that R-MC not only turns out winners, but respectful citizens as well.

October 18th will be a beautiful day. There will be that clear, October sky above us, some leaves on the ground, and children running all over the Randolph-Macon campus. You’ll probably need to find someone to come over and let your dog out, as you might be gone all day. The ceremonies begin at 12:30 on the R-MC football field, and please remember to bring your camera. You will want to remember this day.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a wonderful weekend and rest up.