Oh, Saturday night was beautiful! Those Street Parties are so much fun. Food, music, dancing, friends, and a full moon over-head. How could it get any better? Well, maybe if my friends danced more. We just seem to stand around and talk, in a rural kind of way. I was blow away by Charles Hartgrove (Town Manager) and the God Fearin’ Snake Handlers. They were wonderful and I hope we get many more chances to listen to their music this summer. The talent in this town never ceases to amaze me. The next one will be July 19th- put it on your calendar.

Happy Birthday wishes go out this week to Mike Spence and AC Bruce! I hope they both have a great day and get lots of good presents.

I think we all knew that Tom Grant was a maniac, but now we have official proof. Tom just completed his third marathon in three months, which gives him membership in the Marathon Maniac Club. I have heard stories about wild parties and secret handshakes, and hope that Tom will remember her friends back in Ashland as he readies himself for fame and glory.

Tim Russert, of NBC’s “Meet The Press”, will be in town this week to speak at RMC’s commencement on May 31st. Congratulations to the class of 2008! I hope that as you make your way through life, you’ll think of Ashland as your home once. We certainly thought of you as our kids while you were here.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful week. Soccer is finished for us, so we’re relaxing this week and getting ready for Ashland Barracuda swim practice to begin. I bet that pool will be cold when it opens. The blue lip rule will hopefully be in effect. Hats off to the Ashland Youth Soccer League! These volunteers always run a wonderful season. Stay dry, stay warm- don’t put those sweaters away yet. Call or email me with your Ashland stories: 804-310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. A record of these columns can be found at www.ashlandnews.blogger.com.