Darntrainagain (n.) 1. The name applied to a locomotive traveling through the Town of Ashland that in some way hampers or delays your current activity, such as driving to work. 2. A locomotive that interrupts your conversation or prevents your order from being taken at a restaurant.
A.C. Bruce gets an A+ for turning in his homework in a timely manner. That darntrainagain didn’t stop him! I still need a name for a trash train...
Friday, October 17th is Teen Movie Night at the Ashland Library. Come over at 6pm to grab a slice of pizza and enjoy the show. This evening is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Library.
Pet owners should check out the "Where’s Annie?" contest for a chance to win fun, dog-centric prizes. The H-P will post a photo of Town Engineer Ingrid Stenbjorn’s pooch, Annie, every two weeks as she visits each of the 11 bag-dispenser locations with her friend Kathryn. Contestants who spot the correct locale of each sign are entered into a drawing for prizes, donated by Ashland’s Fin and Feather store. There are ten signs located at various Ashland parks and along its trails: four locations in Carter Park (Center Street near Ashcake Road, Center Street north, Maple Street trail, Maple Street Shelter), DeJarnette Park, Pufferbelly Park, Railside Park, Railside Trail and two locations on Stony Run Trail (Center Street and South James Street). This contest is to encourage pet owners to use the plastic bags on the posts to pick up after their pets.

Not only do we find numerous ways to lend a hand in this town, but we often have fun while we're doing it. The 2008 Ashland CROP Walk for Hunger is this Saturday, October 4th, and is a 3 mile walk through town sponsored by The Slash Christian Church Disciple Women and Outreach Committee. Individuals or teams from Ashland and Central Hanover churches are invited to participate. 25% of all funds raised will stay in the community, and be given to ACES to help stock their pantry. If you or your group would like to participate, please contact Gary Stadnick at 798-4419.

The Ashland Harvest 10K Run is Saturday, October 25th beginning at 9am from Carter Park, with the 5K Run/Walk begining at 9:10 am. This race is organized by the Ashcake Women’s Club and is a fundraiser for the St. James Free-Clinic and ACES. Visit http://www.ashlandharvestrun.com/ for more details, or call Becky Pollard at 798-9341.
You have been given an extension on the chance to buy an Ashland Yearbook at the early bird price of $55. Visit http://www.ashland150.com/, and go to the Yearbook section to print out an order form and send it to Susan Tucker by October 31st. You spent all that time writing up your family story, have you not bought your copy yet? These books will be beautiful, and they will give us a valuable snapshot of our town. And I’m having fun thinking of all the things I can write in your yearbooks.
Make sure your Trick-or-Treating plans include a stop at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center. The Hanover Concert Band will be playing their wonderful, spooky music- outside this year- plus there will be treats and a costume contest.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. You can find an archive of these columns at http://www.ashlandnews.blogspot.com/. Have a beautiful weekend.