Goodbye linen, madras, and seersucker; hello corduroy, plaid, and wool. This cool weather is always a welcome change as we put away the bathing suits and start thinking about campfires and football games. Autumn is a wonderful time of year in the Center of the Universe. I hope you find some time to get outside and enjoy it!
Happy birthday to Father Chris Haydinger, who celebrated his birthday this past weekend. We are so glad that he's here in Ashland, and keeping those Catholics in line with his faith, dedication, and sense of humor.
If this cooler weather has rejuvenated your walking or running, sign up now for the 2011 Henry Clay & Gandy Tiger Trot to be held on Saturday, October 15th. The kid's races begin at 8:00am and the 5K begins at 9:00am at Henry Clay Elementary, and you can register online at http://www.raceit.com/ or pick up a registration form at either school.
Birthday wishes also go to Lorie Foley, our favorite director of anything! Her non-stop energy and creativity continue to enrich our little town and make us smile.
The Tiger Trot will be great training for the 8th Annual Ashland Harvest Run on Saturday, October 22, 2011. The 10 K race begins at 9:00, with the 5k following at 9:15. This year, the race proceeds will benefit Hanover Habitat for Humanity and Patrick Henry Family YMCA- two very important organizations. For more information, or to register for the race, please go to http://www.ashlandharvestrun.com/ or call 690-1259.
Dolly the dog returns to the Ashland Library Tuesday, September 27 th at 7pm. Dolly is a trained listening dog who will listen as your child (ages 5-8) reads a book to her. This is a wonderful way to encourage good reading habits and help the child who is struggling. Call the Ashland Library to schedule a reading session: 798-4072. Dolly is sponsored by the Ashland Library and Sprite’s HERO.
Go watch a game this weekend: Patrick Henry plays Lee-Davis at home this Friday at 7pm, and the Randolph-Macon Women’s soccer take on Randolph College at home on Saturday at 2pm. Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com . Have a beautiful weekend!