To the Randolph-Macon football team and their coaches: Beautiful; absolutely beautiful.
The ODAC Champion Yellow-Jackets will travel to Alliance, Ohio, this Saturday (11-22-08) to play Mount Union in the first round of the NCAA Division III playoffs. I have great confidence in our boys’ ability to plow down those Raiders. Let’s keep this party going.
Happy Birthday to Jennifer Morris had a wonderful dinner on November 16th, and managed to avoid the big green sombrero!
Here’s a great Ashland Holiday tradition- ‘A Christmas Carol” at Randolph-Macon’s Cobb Theater. The box office will begin taking reservations on November 24th by calling 752-7316. The shows are December 5 through 11th. We go every year.
The Central Virginia Masterworks Chorale will present a holiday concert Sunday, December 7, at Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church, 201 Henry Street, Ashland. Performances will be at 2:30 pm and 7:00 pm and will feature Bach’s Magnificat in D and other seasonal selections, including “Coventry Carol” and Holst’s “Christmas Day.” Tickets are $15 and $10 for adults and $5 for students and children. They may be purchased in advance at Cross Brothers’ Grocery in Ashland or at the door prior to each performance. To reserve tickets, please call 804-798-3283.
Get all your Christmas shopping done early at the 12th Annual Heavenly Creations Arts and Crafts Show at St. James the Less Episcopal Church in Ashland. On Saturday, November 22, the show will include over 40 artists and includes woodworkers, quilters, photography, weaving, ornaments and fabric art. Doors open at 9 am and admission and parking are free. Call 798-6336 for more details.
Have you planned out your spot for the Ashland Holiday Parade? It’s a hard choice- do you sit in the sun to stay warm, or do you leave your sunglasses at home, bring a blanket, and sit in the shade? The show begins at 2:30, and I know that we have some wonderful floats planned. Watch your toes when the Shrinners come by!
This Friday, November 21st, is Teen Movie Night at the Ashland Library. The show begins at 6pm, with pizza served by the Friends of the Ashland Library. Visit the library’s website to see all the incredible programs and events that happen there: www.pamunkeylibrary.org/ashland.htm.
This is the last Saturday for the Ashland Farmer’s Market and then it will be gone until April. We have a long winter ahead of us, so stop by from 9 to 11 and stock your pantry. Thank you to all the vendors who brought us fresh fruits and vegetables all summer. We hope to see you again in the spring.
You must know that I think our schools are the best for miles around, but I’ve got another example of concrete proof. The REB Award for Teaching Excellence was awarded to two Ashland teachers: Allison Kahl, who teaches 4th grade at John M. Gandy, and Erin Smith, who teaches 2nd grade at Henry Clay. Mrs. Kahl plans a cultural trip to Ghana, and Ms. Smith will visit schools in Australia.
Congratulations to Rene Clark who won in the Win with Your Bin contest sponsored by Central Virginia Waste Management! The judges decided that her recycling was exemplarily, so if you need any curb-side advice, Rene is the person to ask.
This Just In.... Holy Mackeral! Have you all heard about this? I might blush next time I order a cup of coffee. www.aceshanover.org
Please keep me updated with any holiday news: Christmas pageants, Yuletide carols, Santa sightings, and mistletoe scandals: 804-310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. Stay warm and have a lovely week.