We made it to February, that cold little month where we eat chocolate and write love notes- or at least that’s how it should be! If I had the time, I would cover my kitchen table with pink and red construction paper, lacey paper doilies, glue, and glitter. I think we should put love notes all over town- tell Ashland why it’s our Valentine town.
Get your tickets now to listen National Public Radio’s award-winning legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg present “The Supreme Court and Its Impact on You” on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackwell Auditorium at Randolph-Macon. This event, sponsored by the Watkins Lecture Series, is free and open to the public with a required general admission ticket. Aren’t we lucky to live close to Randolph-Macon? You can order tickets on line at www.rmc.edu, or by calling 752-3605.
Happy birthday to Roger Reynolds who blew out candles on the 31st and had a wonderful fundraiser party at Bart’s Station CafĂ© this past weekend!
Congratulations to Anna Hogue, a junior at Patrick Henry, for being selected as a finalist for Fox Richmond's Lights, Camera, Take Action PSA contest on underage drinking. Anna is competing against 3 other students from Central Virginia for the Grand Prize. To help Anna win, please vote online at www.foxrichmond.com or text "Fox A" to 67336. Voting ends on February 4th and the winning PSA will be shown during the Super Bowl on February 6th.
Some of the southbound freight trains come through town covered in snow. Have you noticed that?
Today, Thursday, February 3rd, bring you kiddies in their pajamas for a special story time at the Ashland Library! Snuggle up and listen to bedtime stories and enjoy some cookies. Story time starts at 6 pm, and you'll be sure to have sweet dream!
Registration is now open for the 33 rd Ashland Railroad Run 10K and 5K Fun Walk to be held on Saturday, April 30th. Follow through on that New Year’s Resolution and sign up to run this wonderful race in your very own hometown! Monument Ave has become so crowded over the years, but here in Ashland we have lots of parking and elbow room. Visit http://www.hanoverarts.org/ for more information and a registration form.
Write some notes this week; they don’t have to be mushy, they can be notes of appreciation and sometimes that’s better than romance. Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Xoxo