I have to confess, I am cured of my desire for more snow this winter. We took a quick trip to Boston this past weekend, and standing knee deep in snow made me long for our balmy highs of 60 degrees. Those poor New Englanders haven’t seen the ground since Christmas and all of their parking spots are taken up by 6-foot piles of snow. They have spent all their energy on shoveling sidewalks and Christmas decorations still hang from street lamps. They make us look like Southern California.
Run, don’t walk, to get your Variety Show tickets! These shows will sell out and you will have to wait two years to be entertained. For reserved seating (all seats on first floor of Blackwell are reserved seats), call 804-798-2881. Show dates are March 24, 25, and 26, 2011, with the pre-show beginning at 7pm, the show at 7:30.
Happy belated birthday to Jackson Proffitt who turned 17 this past week! It’s really hard to believe that he’s that old, especially when the rest of us haven’t aged a bit.
The Ashland Library is hosting Teen Tech Week March 6th through 12th, with a Wii night for teens on Friday, March 11th at 6pm. Please call the library at 798-4072 for more information.
We had a lovely evening with NPR host Nina Totenburg who spoke at Randolph-Macon last week. It’s it great to live in a college town? The next notable speaker to grace Blackwell Auditorium will be Rep. Eric Cantor, the US House of Representatives Majority Leader. This event is free to the public, but you must reserve a ticket. Visit www.rmc.edu for a link to the tickets, or call Pam Harris Cox at (804) 752-3712.
If you see Victoria McGraw, please wish her a happy 10th birthday on March 6th. Double-digits, Victoria! Hope you get lots of wonderful presents!
I haven’t spoken much about our Superintendent’s announcement that he is leaving Hanover County. Maybe I’m in denial and trying to pretend that it’s not happening. He has done such wonderful things for our children and really focused our schools on instruction. Hanover County is consistently recognized for our excellence in education, and we are very fortunate to have these good public schools for our kids. I wish Dr. Roberson would stay for another 5 years. You have a few more days to give the School Board your opinion on the type of new superintendant that you want for our kids. There is an online survey at www.hcps.us, which will close on March 7th. This is important.
Have you planned out your garden yet? I’ve heard that there are daffodils blooming by the fence in the Hendrixson’s yard. Spring is pretty spectacular in the Center of the Universe. It will be lovely to be able to sit on the porch again in the evenings and listen to the frogs in Mechum Creek. Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great weekend!