In June of 1959, Henry Clay High School graduated its last class, and the two-story building that was built in 1915 closed its doors forever. That building stood where the parking lot is now at Henry Clay Elementary. The reunion committee for this last class, under the direction of Chairman Bruce Newell, is currently planning for their 50th Reunion on September 19th, at the Hanover Country Club. You can contact Linda T Holt (Virginia Beach) for more information: (757) 481-4176.
Are you ready for the 4th of July? Have you pulled out your bunting, and your patriotic clothes? Get your kids to decorate their bikes and join in the fun by participating in the parade! The new and improved route begins (line up by 10:15 am) at Henry Clay Elementary and will end at the Arts and Activities Center. There will be patriotic music, food, crafts, and games on the front lawn of the Center. Bring your family and friends, bring a picnic lunch, and come spend the Fourth with the best neighbors in the Universe. You can find more details and a map of the parade route at www.hanoverarts.org or call Carolyn Peart (804)798-9131. Remember to make a pie for the Apple Pie Contest!
Lorie Foley brings Children's Theatre Camp back to the Hanover Arts & Activities Center this summer. On July 1, 2009, there will be auditions for Peter Pan from 1-3 pm and 6-8pm at the Center. Camp starts July 6 and continues through Aug. 6, 2009 Mon. - Thursday 3 - 5 pm. Please visit www.hanoverarts.org for more information and a registration form.
Registration is now open for the 2009 Tiger Trot benefiting Henry Clay and John M. Gandy Elementary schools. This year the race will be held on Saturday, September 19th. The kid's races begin at 8:00am and the 5K begins at 9:00am. You can register online at https://www.raceit.com/Register/?event=506. This is a lovely race and does so much to help out our local elementary schools.
There will be a Home Business Bazaar fundraiser for Charlotte Reynolds on Sat, June 27th from 10-2pm at St. Ann’s Church. Some of the many vendors attending include: Avon, Arbonne, Pampered Chef, and Creative Memories. You can read about Charlotte’s struggle against a brain tumor at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/charlottereynolds.
The Richmond Indigenous Gourd Orchestra will perform at the Ashland Library on Wednesday, July 1 at 10:30 a.m. Dance along to the “gourdeous” music of the eclectic group, who grow their own instruments locally.
You know, I don’t practice what I preach. I just thought you should know that. I tell you not to take one second for granted and I do it all the time. I waste time in senseless arguments, in ridiculous worries, in unjustified frustrations. I think about too much and not enough at the same time, and I stay up too late at night. So I will try and follow my own advice this summer: relax, have fun, laugh, love, and when you see a shooting star make a wish that you never have to leave this sweet town. Call me with your Ashland news- I also accept news from LA (Lower Ashland): 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Happy summer.