Happy New Year! What kind of year will it be Ashland? Have you read your horoscope yet? I have a friend who swears by the horoscopes in Town and Country magazine, but I'd have to drive all the way to Barnes & Noble to find one and you know I don't like to leave town. But since you and I are having this conversation, you'll have to listen to my wishes about what would make it a banner year. 1. We would get enough snow for a Code Zero Snow Day from Hanover County Public Schools. 2. The Variety Show goes on as smoothly as it ever has, sells out every seat in the house, and makes people laugh and sing for days afterwards. 3. I want a minimal amount of sadness: no unexpected deaths, no tragedies, no headlines that make us gasp.
Kiddie Kingdom is hosting a free tax seminar on Tuesday, January 20th at 6:00 pm. Professionals from H&R Block will discuss tax credits for parents, exemptions for children, and education-related tax savings. April 15th will be here before you know it. Please RSVP by January 13th to (804) 897-7372
Happy birthday to Cathy Sloppy who celebrated with her family and friends on December 31st!
Listen, I know you want to be in the Variety Show (March 19, 20, 21). You tell all your out-of-town friends about how great it is, but this is your year to join the fun! Sign-up forms are now available on-line at http://www.hanoverarts.org/ (click on "Events"). This year's show is called, "Our Ashland Grand Celebration", and will celebrate our Sequicentenial year. You need to deliver your application to the Hanover Arts & Activities Center in person by Friday, Jan. 9th. Please call 798-2728 for more information.
Registration is now open for the 31st Annual Railroad Run 10K Race and 5K Fun Walk to be held on April 4th. We have a beautiful town to run in, and there are so many things to look at and people to say hello to. If you sign up now, you've got almost 12 weeks to train and get ready. It's always a wonderful event. Register on-line at www.raceit.com/register/?event=265. Alan Abbott, have you registered yet?
Do you see the pattern? Do you see how many incredible events come from the dedicated volunteers at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center? Even if you don't want to get on stage, or run in the race, you should understand how important this organization is to Ashland. Anyone can become a member, and your support is needed. Look at the website, http://www.hanoverarts.com/, or call Faith Boyle, the Executive Director and ask her to send you a membership form. 798-2728. Do it as a favor to me. Thank you.
This column is short this week. When you read this we will be in the mountains of West Virginia, far away from civilization and my town. Yes, the snow will be fun, but I will be homesick. Call or email me with you news- your resolutions and wishes for 2009- ashlandnews@gmail.com or 310-5320. As always, it will be a great year to live in Ashland.
Kiddie Kingdom is hosting a free tax seminar on Tuesday, January 20th at 6:00 pm. Professionals from H&R Block will discuss tax credits for parents, exemptions for children, and education-related tax savings. April 15th will be here before you know it. Please RSVP by January 13th to (804) 897-7372
Happy birthday to Cathy Sloppy who celebrated with her family and friends on December 31st!
Listen, I know you want to be in the Variety Show (March 19, 20, 21). You tell all your out-of-town friends about how great it is, but this is your year to join the fun! Sign-up forms are now available on-line at http://www.hanoverarts.org/ (click on "Events"). This year's show is called, "Our Ashland Grand Celebration", and will celebrate our Sequicentenial year. You need to deliver your application to the Hanover Arts & Activities Center in person by Friday, Jan. 9th. Please call 798-2728 for more information.
Registration is now open for the 31st Annual Railroad Run 10K Race and 5K Fun Walk to be held on April 4th. We have a beautiful town to run in, and there are so many things to look at and people to say hello to. If you sign up now, you've got almost 12 weeks to train and get ready. It's always a wonderful event. Register on-line at www.raceit.com/register/?event=265. Alan Abbott, have you registered yet?
Do you see the pattern? Do you see how many incredible events come from the dedicated volunteers at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center? Even if you don't want to get on stage, or run in the race, you should understand how important this organization is to Ashland. Anyone can become a member, and your support is needed. Look at the website, http://www.hanoverarts.com/, or call Faith Boyle, the Executive Director and ask her to send you a membership form. 798-2728. Do it as a favor to me. Thank you.
This column is short this week. When you read this we will be in the mountains of West Virginia, far away from civilization and my town. Yes, the snow will be fun, but I will be homesick. Call or email me with you news- your resolutions and wishes for 2009- ashlandnews@gmail.com or 310-5320. As always, it will be a great year to live in Ashland.