Oh, I am just so in love with this town and the people who live here! I love it because sitting in Blackwell, watching the Variety Show, at that moment everything was perfect- there was no sadness, no worry, no pain, no heartache. There was only laughter and smiles and a beautiful lightness of spirit. I watched the performers and the audience, and I wished I could have stopped time and kept everyone there- kept them all smiling and happy, all together.
I love how these Ashland kids automatically stand now when “Ashland, Ashland” starts to play. I love that these kids have this song memorized and I imagine them singing it when they are grown up and far away. I can picture a college dorm room somewhere, with at least two of our Ashland kids sitting there with friends as they talk about where they're from and one says, "Hey, our town has its own song." Met with disbelief, someone says, "Well, sing it!” So the two Ashland kids stand up and immediately start "Ashland, Ashland, Center of the Universe...” complete with hand motions and the echoing chorus. Their friends will laugh and ask them to sing it again, and the two Ashland kids, always happy to entertain, will feel really special and know that what they had growing up here was magic.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who worked in the wings and backstage at Duncan Memorial for the Variety Show. The House Managers, Kevin and Tricia Trent, did an excellent job making sure that everything went smoothly in the lobby and helped everyone find their seats. Thank you to Randolph-Macon for giving us Blackwell for that week, and for their employees who were there every night to help. Thank you to Mike and Mary Wiblin who managed to get people lined up and at the stage door on time for every number. If you’ve never seen the chaos at Duncan, then you can’t imagine what a tough job they had.
If you’ll allow me to climb back up on my soap-box, I’d like to remind you that the Hanover Arts and Activities Center is the driving force behind so many wonderful events in this town. Can you imagine a year without a Railroad Run, or a Fourth of July Parade and Celebration? Can you imagine not having a Variety Show, or a Christmas House Tour? The people who make these events happen are the volunteers who sit on the board of the Hanover Arts and Activities Center. The quality of your life will increase exponentially if you become a member of this organization and volunteer at its events. You have my word. http://www.hanoverarts.org/
That said, the 31st Annual Ashland Railroad Run is Saturday, April 4th. Please call Sharon Stiles (the red Dancing Queen) if you're around that morning and can volunteer: 798-6611. Sharon is in charge of the course marshals, who help direct the runners through the streets. It's a fun and easy job, and the runners always compliment us on our friendly volunteers.
There were two birthdays down on Duncan Street recently. Keith Hunter celebrated his birthday on March 18th, and Claire Abbot blew out 8 candles on her cake on March 22nd.
Do you remember that last year there were bear sightings near Claire’s house! We all thought he was looking for a piece of cake.
A cash bingo will be held at the Farrington Fire House on Friday evening, March 27th at 7pm, sponsored by the Rockville Ruritan Club. Admission is $20 for 16 games and half of the total admission collected will be returned in prizes. Doors will open at 6pm for hot dogs, BarBQ, soft drinks and snacks. Proceeds from this event go for the annual scholarships awarded to Patrick Henry seniors. The Farrington Fire house is on Farrington Road at the corner of Route 33. For information please call S. Eisinger at 883-8833.
Remember this- a town that can laugh together, can sing and dance, can be silly together, is a town that can weather any storm. We are so good when we are working together. Send me your Ashland news, your Variety Show moments, and any left-over, sparkly, stick-on jewelry. You can reach me at 310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a beautiful week!
I love how these Ashland kids automatically stand now when “Ashland, Ashland” starts to play. I love that these kids have this song memorized and I imagine them singing it when they are grown up and far away. I can picture a college dorm room somewhere, with at least two of our Ashland kids sitting there with friends as they talk about where they're from and one says, "Hey, our town has its own song." Met with disbelief, someone says, "Well, sing it!” So the two Ashland kids stand up and immediately start "Ashland, Ashland, Center of the Universe...” complete with hand motions and the echoing chorus. Their friends will laugh and ask them to sing it again, and the two Ashland kids, always happy to entertain, will feel really special and know that what they had growing up here was magic.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who worked in the wings and backstage at Duncan Memorial for the Variety Show. The House Managers, Kevin and Tricia Trent, did an excellent job making sure that everything went smoothly in the lobby and helped everyone find their seats. Thank you to Randolph-Macon for giving us Blackwell for that week, and for their employees who were there every night to help. Thank you to Mike and Mary Wiblin who managed to get people lined up and at the stage door on time for every number. If you’ve never seen the chaos at Duncan, then you can’t imagine what a tough job they had.
That said, the 31st Annual Ashland Railroad Run is Saturday, April 4th. Please call Sharon Stiles (the red Dancing Queen) if you're around that morning and can volunteer: 798-6611. Sharon is in charge of the course marshals, who help direct the runners through the streets. It's a fun and easy job, and the runners always compliment us on our friendly volunteers.
There were two birthdays down on Duncan Street recently. Keith Hunter celebrated his birthday on March 18th, and Claire Abbot blew out 8 candles on her cake on March 22nd.
Do you remember that last year there were bear sightings near Claire’s house! We all thought he was looking for a piece of cake.
A cash bingo will be held at the Farrington Fire House on Friday evening, March 27th at 7pm, sponsored by the Rockville Ruritan Club. Admission is $20 for 16 games and half of the total admission collected will be returned in prizes. Doors will open at 6pm for hot dogs, BarBQ, soft drinks and snacks. Proceeds from this event go for the annual scholarships awarded to Patrick Henry seniors. The Farrington Fire house is on Farrington Road at the corner of Route 33. For information please call S. Eisinger at 883-8833.
Remember this- a town that can laugh together, can sing and dance, can be silly together, is a town that can weather any storm. We are so good when we are working together. Send me your Ashland news, your Variety Show moments, and any left-over, sparkly, stick-on jewelry. You can reach me at 310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a beautiful week!