Most of the time the trains don’t bother me, and I am like the Ashland kids in the Library who hardly look up from their puzzles when a train goes by. They are just a pleasant background noise. But there are times when I’m reminded of what a nice interruption they can be. In this crazy, busy life, it is nice to have a 200-ton mass of steel make me stop and wait. I have to put the car in park and just sit there, not knowing exactly how long it will be. The trains don’t care if you’re running late, and no one can argue with you when you say, “Sorry I’m late- there was a train.”
Happy birthday to Megan Mudd & Paige Christy, and to Max Thompson of Beaverdam who all blew out candles on October 25th!
This Saturday, October 29 from 10:00am to 2:00pm, the Ashland Police Department will partner with the Drug Enforcement Agency to take part in a nationwide prescription drug “take back.” There will collection sites operating around the nation to include the Ashland Police Department where Americans can turn in their unused, unneeded, expired prescription medications. Drugs can stay in its original sealed container or emptied in the bin. For more information pertaining to the event, please contact Community Support Officer Joe Perkins at (804) 412-0601 or Officer Tommy Gilbert at (804) 412-0615.
The Ashland Firehouse Theater is back with some great movies for us this fall, and the best part is that they’re all free! Make plans to come see Ghostbusters II next Saturday, October 29th. The movie starts at 7:45, plenty of time to grab a bite out beforehand. Stay tuned for some foreign language films in November! Visit ashlandfirehousetheater.org or call 798-3429 for more information.
The Ashland Library is holding a Beginners Computer Class on Monday, November 14th at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in learning how to use a computer, this class will help you find out about the parts of a computer, learn how to use a mouse, and begin to explore & search the Internet, and set up an e-mail account. Call 798-4072 to register for the class.
Come take out your aggression on a pumpkin, and help a wonderful local charity at the same time! The Ashwood Gardens & Nursery 6th annual Pumpkin Chunk-A-Thon to benefit Hanover Arc will take place Saturday, October 29th from 10:00AM-3:00PM. There will be pumpkin chunking and carving, a pet costume contest, tattoo booth, face painting, hotdogs, games, a corn maze and an alpaca zoo and much more. All proceeds will benefit Hanover Arc, a non-profit organization serving adults and children with developmental disabilities. Please call Hanover Arc at 798-2400 or Ashwood Gardens & Nursery at 798-2280 for additional information.
Make it a Saturday morning ritual to visit your local Ashland Farmers Market open until November 12th! The market has lots of wonderful fall fruits and veggies, plus wonderful homemade treats. Find your favorite vendor behind the Town Hall from 9AM until noon.
We have another beautiful weekend ahead of us, Ashland, and no shortage of out-door events to choose from! Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com .