Thursday, February 5, 2009

2/5/09 Goodnight Vanilla

Sometimes a story doesn’t end the way we want it to. I hate to have to tell you all this, but the Torrence’s chicken, Vanilla, passed away recently. I know, it’s awful. Vanilla, the scrappy bird who survived over a week on her own, was killed in her own back yard by a slimy raccoon. It’s not right: Vanilla was supposed to live a long life, and her Christmas homecoming was supposed to be a story told over and over again to make people smile. My condolences to the Torrences, and I will personally offer an award to whoever catches that awful raccoon.

The second Focus Area Meeting of the Ashland Planning Department will be held Monday, Feb 9th at 6:30 at the Holiday Inn Express. This meeting will focus on areas 1,2,3,4, which is basically areas east of Rt. 1 to the town line, south of Ashcake Rd., and north of Archie Cannon Drive. Can you picture that? Visit to see a map. If you live in this area, or have interest in it, then you should attend.

Happy Birthday to Carliegh Luck, of Lower Ashland, who turned 12 on January 28th. Carliegh is the daughter of Ross and Corinne Luck and one of my favorite Ashland kids.

Congrats to the annual Spelling Bee winners: Haley French from Henry Clay, David Sanders from Gandy, Griffin Kelly from Liberty, and Adam Cheek from Elmont. The District Spelling Bee was held on Feb. 4th at the SBO offices where winners from each school competed. It was a real treat for the kids to be greeted at the doors of the School Board Office by “Buzz”, the Randolph-Macon mascot. A yellow-jacket is a bee, right? Many thanks to Buzz for taking the time to visit!

A cash bingo sponsored by the Rockville Ruritan Club will be held at the Farrington Fire House on Friday, February 6th at 7pm. Admission is $20 for 16 games, and half of the total admission collected will be returned in prizes. Doors open at 6pm for hot dogs, BBQ, soft drinks and snacks. This is the first of a regular series of bingo nights the Ruritans expect to offer to raise money for the annual scholarships they award to Patrick Henry seniors. The Farrington Fire house is on Farrington Road at the corner of Route 33. For information please call Susan Eisinger at 883-8833.

Hey, Valentine Town- are you ready for the 14th? Is there a lot of love to go around? Send me your Ashland news, your inflated egos and vacation pictures. You can reach me at 310-5320, or You can find a record of these columns at Have a beautiful week!

Monday, February 2, 2009

1/29/09 Charlotte Reynolds, John M. Gandy, Zack Morgan's Meetings, and Happy Birthday Rosie

I have no funny stories for you today. I am filled with a feeling of “un-fairness” as I think about little Charlotte Reynolds at MCV and the tough, tough week that her family has had. Charlotte’s parents- Roger and Rachel Reynolds- need all of our good wishes. He and Rachel own the Romp-n-Roll gym at Virginia Center Commons. We hope they are all home soon.

Congratulations to everyone at John M. Gandy Elementary School! Congratulations to the principal, the staff, the teachers, and the students who were awarded the 2009
Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence. We all knew that Gandy had high standards, and that excellence could be found in every corner, but it’s nice for Tim Kaine to recognize it. What a wonderful little school.

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If you consider yourself a resident of North Ashland, then you should make plans to attend the Feb 4th meeting of the Town Planning Department to discuss the ways that your neighborhood could be developed. Zack plans on beginning the meeting at 6:30pm in the Old Chapel at Randolph-Macon. North Ashland is defined as the area around R-MC, north of Rt. 54, east of James St, west of Rt. 1, and south of Archie Cannon Drive. Can you picture that? Visit to see a map.

The Ashland Library will have Teen Movie Night on Friday, February 13 at 6pm. Pizza will be served. Bring a friend!

Happy Birthday to Rosie Morris who will be 4 on February 5th and to Monica Klisz who will be 21 on February 6th. We hope they both have wonderful days!

Send me your Ashland news, your stories of playing in the snow when you were little, and a good poem. You can reach me at or 804-310-5320. Have a wonderful week.

It's a shame we didn't get any snow this winter...

Especially since we're building this new town ski lodge.  I mean, I guess it could potentially bring in tourism dollars, if we ...