I will start off by saying that I fully expect to see every one of you Saturday at Randolph-Macon. You’ll need to find your spot in the bleachers by noon at the latest. Charge your camera, eat a good breakfast, and prepare to be amazed at the months of planning that have brought this event to completion. (You might need some tissues, too.) If you see Rob Stiles, Lorie Foley, Sue Watson, or anyone else who appears to be directing things, please tell them “thank you”. I would bet that in Ashland, there are more hours spent volunteering per capita than any other town in the country. Hands down.
Editorial note: This column will be short. There is too much to do. Stay tuned for an in-depth discussion of the celebration next week.
Order your Ashland Yearbook now before the price goes up in November! When the yearbooks arrive in the spring, we all need to carry them with us wherever we go so we can sign each others. Seriously, I want to see people exchanging yearbooks at the Coffee & Tea, on the sidewalks, and while waiting in line at the post office. Go to http://www.ashland150.org/ to download the form. If you don’t have access to the web, please call Susan Tucker at 798-7123.
Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Tinsley Sloppy who will turn 1 year old on October 22nd!
Take advantage of this perfect weather and get outside! The Ashland Harvest 10K Run is Saturday, October 25th beginning at 9am from Carter Park, with the 5K Run/Walk beginning at 9:10 am. This race is organized by the Ashcake Women’s Club and is a fundraiser for the St. James Free-Clinic and ACES. Visit http://www.ashlandharvestrun.com/ for more details, or call Becky Pollard at 798-9341.
Do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween yet? Personally I think we should all dress up. Maybe we could coordinate and the whole town could dress up as another town. We could be Richmond. Can’t you see our town council dressed up as the City of Richmond’s town council?

Make sure you stop by the Hanover Arts and Activities Center during all of your trick-or-treating on Halloween! The Hanover Concert Band will be playing spooky music on the front lawn and there will be treats for everyone.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Happy Birthday Ashland! xoxo
Editorial note: This column will be short. There is too much to do. Stay tuned for an in-depth discussion of the celebration next week.
Order your Ashland Yearbook now before the price goes up in November! When the yearbooks arrive in the spring, we all need to carry them with us wherever we go so we can sign each others. Seriously, I want to see people exchanging yearbooks at the Coffee & Tea, on the sidewalks, and while waiting in line at the post office. Go to http://www.ashland150.org/ to download the form. If you don’t have access to the web, please call Susan Tucker at 798-7123.
Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Tinsley Sloppy who will turn 1 year old on October 22nd!
Take advantage of this perfect weather and get outside! The Ashland Harvest 10K Run is Saturday, October 25th beginning at 9am from Carter Park, with the 5K Run/Walk beginning at 9:10 am. This race is organized by the Ashcake Women’s Club and is a fundraiser for the St. James Free-Clinic and ACES. Visit http://www.ashlandharvestrun.com/ for more details, or call Becky Pollard at 798-9341.
Do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween yet? Personally I think we should all dress up. Maybe we could coordinate and the whole town could dress up as another town. We could be Richmond. Can’t you see our town council dressed up as the City of Richmond’s town council?

Make sure you stop by the Hanover Arts and Activities Center during all of your trick-or-treating on Halloween! The Hanover Concert Band will be playing spooky music on the front lawn and there will be treats for everyone.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Happy Birthday Ashland! xoxo