What a beautiful time of year to be born! We are happy to announce our newest Ashlander, Finn Robert Morris, who was born on April 28th. Finn reserved his spot on the 2026 Patrick Henry football team by weighing in at 10lbs, 11 oz., and was 22 inches long. He is currently getting used to the lullaby of the trains and being thoroughly spoiled by his big brother and sister, Kellan and Rosie, and his proud parents, Jennifer and Buddha. A baby that grows up on Center Street will certainly be a good sleeper!
Happy birthday to some other spring children: Peyton Luck turned 13 on April 30th, and Meriwether Harper Gilmore will turn 5 on Mother’s Day. We hope that Peyton had a wonderful day, and that Meriwether’s birthday is as sunny as her smile.
Congratulations and many thanks to the dynamic duo of Tamra Bardwell and Dave Klisz who were the co-race directors of the recent Ashland Railroad Run! This event was carried off smoothly, and I haven’t heard anything except positive commentary. We are lucky to have such generous people who volunteer their time like these two.
The American Cancer Society is having Cure by Design on September 24 at the Hilton Hotel and Spa in Short Pump. It is an evening of cocktails, fashion show, silent auction, and live auction. All of the models are cancer survivors and they are currently recruiting men, women and children of all ages for the fashion show. You can get more infor at hlturner@comcast.net or 798-2901 for more information. All profits from this show will go to cancer research.
Wasn’t that Royal Wedding fun to watch? If you’re missing the festivity and revelry of that celebration, get your tickets now for the 4th Annual Afternoon Tea to benefit Hillard House which will be held at the Arts and Activities Center on Sunday, May 15th at 1pm & 4pm. The theme for this year is “All Weddings Are Royal” and models will be wearing wedding gowns from the 1880’s to modern day. These tickets sell out every year, so get yours early! Visit http://www.hillardhouse.org/ or call 798-9131 to purchase.
Ashland's third annual celebration of the National Day of Prayer will be held on Thursday, May 5, 2011. The event will begin at 7 pm on the grounds of Ashland's Town Hall. This is a non-denominational evening of worship, praise, and thanksgiving. Please bring a lawn chair.
The Ashland Farmer’s Market is open every Saturday (9 to noon) from now until the fall in its new spot behind Town Hall. Stop by for your pick of the freshest vegetables, fruits, homemade goods, and gorgeous flowers for your home.
I am writing this on a Tuesday, and tonight the Hanover County School Board will decide on a new Superintendent. I’m not sure when the name will be announced, but I am feeling a little anxious. For myself, I had gotten pretty used to the casual confidence of Dr. Roberson. I had gotten used to the thoughtfulness that I knew he put into every decision. I looked forward to his sense of humor when his employees needed a laugh, and his genuine interest in our of Hanover’s children. I was used to being spoken to by name. I wish him the best of luck in whatever he endeavors to do, and I hope that he has left very detailed instruction to his successor.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com . Happy Mother’s Day!
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