You know, sometimes August is hard to love. The end is in sight- as goes August, so goes the summer, and it's all down-hill from here. So while we squeeze in one last trip to the beach, one more Friday at the pool, here's a little contest to add some fun. Whoever can come up with the answer to this joke that is closest to my answer (which is sealed in a valut) will win some amazing prize. Extra points awarded for sacrasm!
How many Ashlanders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
There is a wonderful program called "Bright Beginnings" at the Patrick Henry YMCA that helps less fortunate elementary-aged children get the supplies and clothes they need to go back to school. This year they have 172 children registered for the program and they need your help! There are three ways that you can lend a hand: volunteer to shop with a child at the Virginia Center Target; purchase a backpack filled with supplies (names with grade level and school available at the Dry Y); or make a donation. Each child gets $100 in donations to spend on clothes at Target. There are shopping nights next week where volunteers are still needed: August 10 and 13. Please email Sharon Stiles at smstiles@comcast.net if you can help in some way. Please visit www.ymcarichmond.org/brightbeginnings to learn more about this program.
Happy birthday on August 9th to Clyde Johnson who turns 89! Mr Johnson came to Ashland in 1932 when he was 12 years old, and certainly could tell some stories of what life was like back then.
Do you know where John Dyer was this past weekend? He was in Finland! He was on the other side of the planet competing in the World Masters Athletics Competition in Finland! John finished 4th in he world (did you get that? W-O-R-L-D) in the 400m Hurdles Mens 50 race. Wow. I am so impressed. Not only can he run fast, but he can jump fast, too. Congratulations John!
We had another wonderful summer evening this past Sunday on the lawn of the Hanover Arts and Activities Center listening to Last Train Home. There was a full moon, a yard full of friends, and music to shake the cicadas out of the trees. This coming Sunday will bring the band L'Angelus to Ashland. We can all pretend that we live in New Orleans, especially with this lovely humidity that has come home. Tickets are $5 for adults at the door, and the show starts at 7pm. Visit www.hanoverarts.org for more information.
Have you signed up for the Tiger Trot 5K race yet? This is an incredibly well-run race through the streets of Ashland to benefit the Henry Clay and John M. Gandy PTAs. The race will be held on Saturday, September 19th at Henry Clay Elementary. You can run in the race in the morning and celebrate at the last Street Party of the season that night. Contact Tracy Brown (ne. Stanley) for more information: bob.and.tracy@comcast.net.
So please, please savor every second of this fast month. Spend every available minute at the pool, or lying in a hammock somewhere. Focus on the small and the over-looked, so nothing, take a nap, write a letter. We must fight against the "rip-tide" of time that happens near the COTU. Call me with your Ashland news if you have the time, but if you're too busy counting falling stars, that's ok. I'll make something up.