I was walking out of Henry Clay Elementary this past Friday and was stopped short with surprise- it was raining. Here, in Hanover County, rain was falling from the sky! I was tempted to just stand there and get wet, given the rarity of such an event, but I ran to the car and drove home to close the windows. I don’t think I even own an umbrella anymore. I kept my fingers crossed for a daylong shower, but it stopped after giving our ground just a tantalizing taste of that sweet water. It will have to rain again sooner or later, don’t you think?
Remember, there is a mandatory ban on open burning until further notice in the Town of Ashland and Hanover County. Our girls are missing their back yard campfires and they have to settle for mini-marshmallows on toothpicks toasted over a candle indoors. We are also under a water restriction, which means no outdoor watering on Mondays; odd addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; even addresses may water on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. When you do water, be smart about it and use a soaker hose or a watering can. Conserve as much as you can. Good riddance to Bermuda grass and chickweed! A brown lawn and a dusty car can be a sign of a considerate and thoughtful consumer.
There is a lot going on this weekend in L.A. – “Lower Ashland” that is. Elmont Elementary School is having their famous Fall Festival and Auction from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. this Saturday, October 27. Venture out for a wonderful day full of children’s activities, good food, and wonderful items featured in a silent auction. There will be Brunswick stew, hot dogs, barbeque, and a bake sale. See if you’ve got the winning bid for theater tickets, historic home tours, professional and college event tickets- 150 different items. The Elmont PTA has out-done them selves, and this should be a wonderful event. In fact, I think you should go straight there as soon as you’re done at the Farmer’s Market in town. Elmont Elementary School is located at 12007 Cedar Lane in Ashland.
Randolph Macon is having a Fall Festival for kids on Sunday, October 28th complete with a Halloween Carnival inside the Brock Center. This fun event is free and open to the public. Bring your little ghosts and goblins for apple bobbing, face painting, and pin the tail on the donkey. All the fun begins at 5 p.m.
On Tuesday, October 30 at 7 p.m., Duncan Memorial Church will host a public forum for the Hanover County Board of Supervisor’s election. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the men and women who want to run this county.
The best party in town on Halloween night can be found (where else?) at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center. Come dressed in your favorite costume for an evening of spooky music from the Hanover Concert Band, enjoy some treats, and enjoy the parade of ghosts, goblins, fairies, and witches. We have such imaginative costumes here in Ashland: Maddie Grant came dressed as an iPod last year! The party begins at 6:00 p.m. on Halloween night- Wednesday, October 31st. Don’t miss it!
Happy Birthday to Parker Marchetti who turns two on Halloween.
Call or email me with your Ashland news. My cell phone is 804-310-5320, and my email address is ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great week!
Remember, there is a mandatory ban on open burning until further notice in the Town of Ashland and Hanover County. Our girls are missing their back yard campfires and they have to settle for mini-marshmallows on toothpicks toasted over a candle indoors. We are also under a water restriction, which means no outdoor watering on Mondays; odd addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; even addresses may water on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. When you do water, be smart about it and use a soaker hose or a watering can. Conserve as much as you can. Good riddance to Bermuda grass and chickweed! A brown lawn and a dusty car can be a sign of a considerate and thoughtful consumer.
There is a lot going on this weekend in L.A. – “Lower Ashland” that is. Elmont Elementary School is having their famous Fall Festival and Auction from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. this Saturday, October 27. Venture out for a wonderful day full of children’s activities, good food, and wonderful items featured in a silent auction. There will be Brunswick stew, hot dogs, barbeque, and a bake sale. See if you’ve got the winning bid for theater tickets, historic home tours, professional and college event tickets- 150 different items. The Elmont PTA has out-done them selves, and this should be a wonderful event. In fact, I think you should go straight there as soon as you’re done at the Farmer’s Market in town. Elmont Elementary School is located at 12007 Cedar Lane in Ashland.
Randolph Macon is having a Fall Festival for kids on Sunday, October 28th complete with a Halloween Carnival inside the Brock Center. This fun event is free and open to the public. Bring your little ghosts and goblins for apple bobbing, face painting, and pin the tail on the donkey. All the fun begins at 5 p.m.
On Tuesday, October 30 at 7 p.m., Duncan Memorial Church will host a public forum for the Hanover County Board of Supervisor’s election. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the men and women who want to run this county.
The best party in town on Halloween night can be found (where else?) at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center. Come dressed in your favorite costume for an evening of spooky music from the Hanover Concert Band, enjoy some treats, and enjoy the parade of ghosts, goblins, fairies, and witches. We have such imaginative costumes here in Ashland: Maddie Grant came dressed as an iPod last year! The party begins at 6:00 p.m. on Halloween night- Wednesday, October 31st. Don’t miss it!
Happy Birthday to Parker Marchetti who turns two on Halloween.
Call or email me with your Ashland news. My cell phone is 804-310-5320, and my email address is ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great week!
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