Happy Birthday Ashland! This past Tuesday, our sweet town celebrated her official 150th birthday on Tuesday, Feb. 19th, which was the date of the actual incorporation in 1858. If you’re not on one of the Ashland 150 committees, think about volunteering. A party like this won’t happen again for a long time. http://www.ashland150.com/

Here is something that you must do. You must be shopping in downtown Ashland this Monday, Feb. 25th around 11 o'clock in the morning. If you do this, you will certainly have the chance to meet former Gov. Mark Warner, shake his hand, and tell him some of the things that he could do as senator to help Ashland and Hanover County. After he walks around town, he'll be at Ashland Coffee and Tea at noon to socialize.
One very important committee is the Hall of Fame, featuring your truly and Sandra Lynne as co-chairs. We’re looking for stories of the famous and infamous; the interesting characters that have made us smile. Jay Pace, Dick Gillis, and Dorothy Jones are some names that come to mind. The pictures and stories we assemble will become a traveling exhibit that will be displayed around town and on the web. Email Sandra with any names or suggestions: slynne@hanover.k12.va.us.
Happy Birthday to Jackson Proffitt who turns 14 on Feb. 25th. Wow Tammy, he'll be driving before too long.

Have you registered yet for the Ashland Railroad Run scheduled for March 15th? Visit http://www.hanoverarts.com/ for an entry form and information about the race. Seriously, I want to see lots of people out there in their tube socks and OP running shorts. Come out and run like the person you were in 1979! I was seven- I’ll run the Kids One Mile.

The Yellow Jacket Women’s Lacrosse team will play tomorrow, Feb. 23rd, against Salisbury University at 3 pm on the home field. This is a beautiful game to watch: graceful and athletic at the same time. It’s also the oldest sport in North America, created by Native Americans as a preparation for war and played on fields fifteen miles long.
Stop by the Gandy Elementary Cafeteria this Saturday night for the 2nd Annual Celebration of African Americans beginning at 7 pm. There will be recognitions of African American contributions to our community and a performance by the Ashland Community Choir. Call the Town at 798-9219 for more information.
The daffodils crocuses are coming up, and Easter will be here in a few weeks. I keep telling myself that a March snowstorm is a distinct possibility. It could happen, don’t you think? I can be reached at (804) 310-5320 or email ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great week!

where did you find the B&A logo?
Dave Klisz
Thanks for mentioning "Boys Running". I read your column FIRST every week in the HP (it's the real Ashland news ;>).
Now I know where to find the online version with pictures, even better.
Thanks again,
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