Sit down Ashland, I need to fuss for a minute. I drive past the Ashland Theater several times a day and the same thought always goes through my head: “This is not right.” If I had the money, I would have bought it a long time ago, but I know that there is someone out there who has the means to buy this theater and fill the void! I will help you run it. I will sell tickets, sweep the floor, or pop popcorn if that would open those doors and light up that sign. We need to fix this.
The Ashland Railroad Run is next Saturday, March 15th! I can’t believe it’s almost here. Luckily, you still have time to sign up to run or walk in the race, and to find your 1978 running clothes. If you’re interested in helping as a volunteer, please give Karen Hanley at call at 798-1204. I promise that you’ll have a great time. Visit www.hanoverarts.com for more information.
I am still smiling this morning while thinking of the recent Talent Show at John M. Gandy Elementary. Every child that took the floor and was cheered by friends, teachers, and parents, impressed me. Those kids had confidence and obviously felt secure and comfortable that night. Thank you, Dr. Miller and your teachers, for showing those kids how special and talented they all are. What a wonderful school.

The Ashland boys fared well in the B & A Marathon this past weekend in Annapolis. Tom Grant qualified for the Boston Marathon by finishing in 3 hours, 28 minutes. Dennis Johnson was close behind with 3:37, Dave Klisz made his personal best time with 4:25, and Alan Abbott finished his first marathon with 4:50. The weather was close to perfect as was the hometown cheering section.
Since we seem to be a town with some wonderfully athletic people, it’s only fitting that Jim Hartigan was inducted into his high school’s Hall of Fame last week. Jim helped Bishop Timon High School in Buffalo, NY win many track and cross country events back in the 1980’s, and had a wonderful time catching up with old friends.

The Reihl family will have a fun time this weekend celebrating two birthdays- Meade turned 11 on the 5th, and Alec will be 14 on the 8th. Happy Birthday!

The Ashland Planning Commission meets this Wednesday, March 12th at 7 pm. If, for some reason, you are unable to attend, you can view the updates to the Comprehensive Plan on Zack’s blog: www.ashlandplanning.blogspot.com.
I heard a lawn mower the other day, so winter must be over with. In fact, I'm certain that it's gone because instead of wishing for snow, I now want windows open, a freshly tilled garden to walk in with bare feet, and enough daffodils to fill a mason jar. If I had the time, I would go and sit on the porch right now, but I’m trying to find someone to buy the movie theater. Call or email me your Ashland news: 310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a wonderful week!

interesting photo of Alan and I. I can't remember what we were doing at the time!
Great blog.
You were waving to your adoring fans!
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