We returned home late this past Saturday night and found a freight train stopped on the tracks. It’s not that unusual in the summer to find a train parked, so we turned and started looking for the caboose to see how we could get home. At the College Ave. crossing, an Ashland Police officer directed us up to Archie Cannon, and told us that the train had hit a truck but that no one was hurt. An “irresponsible driver” he said, which was an understatement. I love having trains come through the middle of town, but their closeness scares me. Remind your kids to stay away from those tracks and prevent a horrible tragedy.

Come see the Barefoot Puppets next Thursday, June 26th at 7:00 pm at the Ashland Library. I’m trying to picture what these puppets must look like- I’m guessing they don’t wear shoes. This show features Anansi the Spider, and is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Library.
Award-winning coach Kevin Profitt will hold a softball camp for girls ages 5-14 at Randolph-Macon July 14-18. This camp will focus on the fundamentals of softball, improving skills, and the magic of teamwork. Each day will end with a swim in the Brock Center pool! Go to the Randolph-Macon website: http://www.rmc.edu/, click on “athletics”, and then click on “Womens”, then “Softball” to see the registration form. You can also give Kevin at call at 752-3611.
If you’re doing any cleaning out of closets of bookshelves, bring your books, videos, dvd’s, and cd’s to the Ashland Library for their famous July 4th Book Sale at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center.
Can you believe that Tim Russert was just here in Ashland two weeks ago and now he’s gone? I feel bad that I fussed at him about his speech at R-MC, but am fairly certain that he didn’t read this column. Sunday mornings aren’t the same without him.
If you see Susan and Woody Tucker next week, wish them a happy 31st Anniversary!

Can you believe that it’s almost the 4th of July? Don’t make any travel plans except to stroll down the sidewalk to the Arts and Activities Center to join your neighbors and friends in all the festivities. Of course, there’s the book sale- get there early for the best selection, and then there’s the Apple Pie Contest, so be planning out your award winning pie. On the lawn there will be performances by the Hanover Concert Band, food for sale, ice cream available, and all kinds of fun things to do. Bring your picnic blanket and plan to stay awhile.
If you’re interested in participating in the non-motorized parade (begins at 11am), please give Carolyn Peart a call at 798-9131. Get your kids to decorate their bikes and ride in the parade which starts by the Henry Clay Inn and ends at the Arts and Activities Center. Watching that parade is one of those Ashland moments, that makes you wonder if you’re in a Frank Capra movie. Don’t miss it!
The Ashland Farmer’s Market is open every Saturday morning from 9 to noon in the parking lot behind Town Hall. If you’re ever concerned about food safety, it’s the perfect place to shop! Not only do you know where your food came from, you get to meet the person that grew it.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 804-310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great week!
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