We have heard that investigators from the United States Croquet Association were in the area last week looking into reports of rogue croquet games being played in LA. People, please! If you must play croquet, for goodness sake, take the time to read the rules on etiquette, dress code, and how to replace balls that become broken while in play. Palm Beach is watching. Give no quarter!
We had such a fun time at the Children’s Market at the Ashland Farmer’s Market this past Saturday. There are so many talented and industrious kids around here. There were veggies for sale from kids’ gardens, handmade jewelry, soap, magnets, and some of the best lemonade I’ve had in a long time. The next Children’s Market will be on the last Saturday in August, the 29th. If your kids are interested in having a booth, email farmersmarket@town.ashland.va.us.
Happy Birthday to all these Leo girls in Ashland! On July 28th, Lucy Klisz turned eight, and Susannah Gilmore turned twelve. On July 20th, Ruby Adele Marchetti arrived to brighten the world of Stephan, April, Parker and Ellis. Ruby was 9 pounds, 20.5 inches long, and has quickly become the darling of Henry Clay Street. On July 16th, Stella Roane Longmire was welcomed by her doting parents, Abe & Laura, and her beaming grandparents, John & Becky Longmire. Stella was just over 7 pounds, and 20 inches long. So watch out for all these tough, strong-willed girls with old-fashioned names! Certainly they will make the world a better place.
We had such a fun time at the Children’s Market at the Ashland Farmer’s Market this past Saturday. There are so many talented and industrious kids around here. There were veggies for sale from kids’ gardens, handmade jewelry, soap, magnets, and some of the best lemonade I’ve had in a long time. The next Children’s Market will be on the last Saturday in August, the 29th. If your kids are interested in having a booth, email farmersmarket@town.ashland.va.us.
Happy Birthday to all these Leo girls in Ashland! On July 28th, Lucy Klisz turned eight, and Susannah Gilmore turned twelve. On July 20th, Ruby Adele Marchetti arrived to brighten the world of Stephan, April, Parker and Ellis. Ruby was 9 pounds, 20.5 inches long, and has quickly become the darling of Henry Clay Street. On July 16th, Stella Roane Longmire was welcomed by her doting parents, Abe & Laura, and her beaming grandparents, John & Becky Longmire. Stella was just over 7 pounds, and 20 inches long. So watch out for all these tough, strong-willed girls with old-fashioned names! Certainly they will make the world a better place.
One hundred additional Ashland Yearbooks will arrive at the Ashland Visitor’s Center (old train station) on July 30th. If you didn’t get your copy before, they’re on sale for $65 a piece and make lovely Christmas gifts.
Registration is now open for the 2009 Tiger Trot benefiting Henry Clay and John M. Gandy Elementary schools. This year the race will be held on Saturday, September 19th. The kid's races begin at 8:00am and the 5K begins at 9:00am. You can register online at www.raceit.com/Register/?event=506. This is a lovely race and does so much to help out our local elementary schools.
We’re in the thick of summer and it’s hard to get a group of people together because of vacation schedules. I like summer vacations. They’re a good thing. But I rest easier when everyone is home in Ashland and back in their own beds- when “All’s right with the world.” Send me your news- 310-5320, or email ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a good week & travel safely.

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