Did you appreciate Thanksgiving? Did you take full advantage of the food, the family, and the friends? I hope so. My Thanksgiving was different this year without my grandmother. But that's what holidays do- they evolve through the years as people grow up and move along with their lives. Kids get married and move away, grandparents die, and new traditions emerge. It's one of those lovely (said while rolling my eyes) lessons that life feels the need to teach us: don't become complacent.
Congratulations to Corporal Marie Kemp and Corporal Ethan Hicks, the two Ashland Police Officers who were promoted to the rank of Sergeant on November 25th! We really have a wonderful police department here in town, don't we? I always fall asleep feeling safe and sound knowing they're looking out for us.
Mark your calendar for the Gandy Art Auction to be held on December 10th from 6-8pm at John M. Gandy Elementary. The students and teachers at Gandy have been busy creating
beautiful and whimsical pieces of art for many weeks now, and you will be amazed at the things they are making! This will be an excellent opportunity to find one-of-a-kind Christmas presents, and support your local public schools at the same time. There will be a pizza dinner followed by a silent auction and a live auction. Dinner is $4 per person and reservations may be made by emailing me (ashlandnews@gmail.com) by December 7th. All proceeds from the auction will be used for the Gandy Garden Project, building gardens to cultivate learning, imaginations, and creativity.
You must be in town this weekend: December 5th and 6th. The Ashland Holiday Weekend is shaping up to be a wonderful time for all. There will be pictures with Santa at the Henry Clay Inn, a Ginger-Bread House Contest, a trolley taking riders all around town, a Santa's Secret Workshop for kids at the Arts and Activities Center (remember Miller & Rhodes Fawn Shop?), Magician Jonathan Austin, and a Tree-Lighting Ceremony on the Town Hall Lawn. This is just a little bit of all the activities. Visit http://www.hanoverarts.org/ for more information.
It's not too late to enter the Gingerbread House Contest! Bring your house to the Arts and Activities Center this Saturday morning by 10am. Call 798-2728 with any questions. Let your imagination run wild!
Apparently Santa loves to eat breakfast in Ashland, because you will find him eating somewhere around here for the next two Saturdays...
On Saturday, December 5th, Lower Ashland welcomes St. Nick with a Snowflake Breakfast at Elmont Elementary School from 8 to 11am. No tickets will be sold at the door, so the only way you're getting a seat is to call Corinne Luck at 752-2308. I've heard that Ross is the head pancake chef, so you know they must be good!
On Saturday, December 12th, the Man with the Bag will be eating at the Masonic Lodge on England Street from 9 to 11am. Pancakes, Sausgage and Eggs can be had for just $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Bring your camera to get a picture with Santa Claus.
When you read this, Roger, Rachel and Charlotte Reynolds will be getting the royal treatment in Disney World right now courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. A limo picked them up at their home in Slash Cottage on December 1st and delivered them to the airport. How wonderful for them to be pampered! I have never really appreciated the Make-A-Wish Foundation until now, and will put them on the top of my charity list this year. There are lots of ways that you can support this organization; visit http://www.makeawish.org/ for more information.
Congratulations to Corporal Marie Kemp and Corporal Ethan Hicks, the two Ashland Police Officers who were promoted to the rank of Sergeant on November 25th! We really have a wonderful police department here in town, don't we? I always fall asleep feeling safe and sound knowing they're looking out for us.
Mark your calendar for the Gandy Art Auction to be held on December 10th from 6-8pm at John M. Gandy Elementary. The students and teachers at Gandy have been busy creating

You must be in town this weekend: December 5th and 6th. The Ashland Holiday Weekend is shaping up to be a wonderful time for all. There will be pictures with Santa at the Henry Clay Inn, a Ginger-Bread House Contest, a trolley taking riders all around town, a Santa's Secret Workshop for kids at the Arts and Activities Center (remember Miller & Rhodes Fawn Shop?), Magician Jonathan Austin, and a Tree-Lighting Ceremony on the Town Hall Lawn. This is just a little bit of all the activities. Visit http://www.hanoverarts.org/ for more information.

Apparently Santa loves to eat breakfast in Ashland, because you will find him eating somewhere around here for the next two Saturdays...
On Saturday, December 5th, Lower Ashland welcomes St. Nick with a Snowflake Breakfast at Elmont Elementary School from 8 to 11am. No tickets will be sold at the door, so the only way you're getting a seat is to call Corinne Luck at 752-2308. I've heard that Ross is the head pancake chef, so you know they must be good!
On Saturday, December 12th, the Man with the Bag will be eating at the Masonic Lodge on England Street from 9 to 11am. Pancakes, Sausgage and Eggs can be had for just $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Bring your camera to get a picture with Santa Claus.

The 5th Annual Deck the Halls Event is this Sunday, December 6th from noon to 4:30pm at Pine Grove Farm just off Elmont Road here in town. Carolyn and Jerry Peart have once again opened their yard & barn, and filled it with everything you'd need to make as many wreaths, center pieces, and decorative holiday greenery as you can carry. Call right away for reservations: 798-9131. Susan Greenbaum will be performing, and refreshments will be served. $25 for adults, $10 for youth 6-16, and free for kids under 6.
Here's a great event no matter how old you are... Baby Boomers Remember Ashland on Wednesday, December 16th at 7pm. Local Baby Boomers will share their memories of growing up in the Center of the Universe. Refreshments will be served.

We have absolutely no time to lose, do you hear me Ashland? Get those lights lit, and wreaths hung! We cannot waste a moment here during this holiday season. I want you to do something special everyday. It doesn't have to be a big thing, it can be small like calling your sister and saying hello. Make some cookies this evening to give away. Put on a Santa hat while you rake leaves this weekend. Sleep with your pajamas on inside-out so we can have some snow. Shine Ashland, sparkle and shine. You do it better than any town I know.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great week!
Here's a great event no matter how old you are... Baby Boomers Remember Ashland on Wednesday, December 16th at 7pm. Local Baby Boomers will share their memories of growing up in the Center of the Universe. Refreshments will be served.

We have absolutely no time to lose, do you hear me Ashland? Get those lights lit, and wreaths hung! We cannot waste a moment here during this holiday season. I want you to do something special everyday. It doesn't have to be a big thing, it can be small like calling your sister and saying hello. Make some cookies this evening to give away. Put on a Santa hat while you rake leaves this weekend. Sleep with your pajamas on inside-out so we can have some snow. Shine Ashland, sparkle and shine. You do it better than any town I know.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a great week!

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