I was a little sad about the Holidays being over with, and then I took a look at the January & February calendars. This is the most gettin'-together-est town that I've ever seen, don't you think Rodney Bardwell?
The Classic Film Festival begins at our Firehouse Theater this Saturday, January 9th with the movie "Shadow of a Doubt" which was said to be Alfred Hitchcock's personal favorite. It will feel warm and balmy outside after you've been chilled by the classic suspense that can only be found in a Hitchcock film. The movie starts at 7pm. Come early to get a seat.
The Classic Film Festival begins at our Firehouse Theater this Saturday, January 9th with the movie "Shadow of a Doubt" which was said to be Alfred Hitchcock's personal favorite. It will feel warm and balmy outside after you've been chilled by the classic suspense that can only be found in a Hitchcock film. The movie starts at 7pm. Come early to get a seat.

The hottest ticket in town is one to "22 Hullabaloo" at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center on friday, January 22nd. This will be a wonderful evening of food, dancing, and all your favorite people! Tickets are $11 each, and there is complimentary babysitting provided for children aged 4 - 12. Call early to reserve a spot- 798-2728. Then call me and tell me what you're wearing.
It’s time for the third Hanover Idols Competition, sponsored by the Hanover Arts & Activities Center. Auditions will be January 24, 2010; the competition for finalists will be Sunday, January 31, 2010. Deadline to sign-up for the auditions is January 15, 2010. For more information, including the Sign-Up form, please visit http://www.hanoverarts.org/ or call Sue Watson at 804-798-5686.
Looking ahead to February, keep Saturday the 13th open because it is Casino Night at St. Ann's Catholic Church. We are all so excited because the theme this year is "70's Disco Fever in Funkytown." Yes, those crazy Catholics are at it again! It's hard to pass up an opportunity to party in the parish hall.
In honor of Black History Month, the Hanover Arts and Activities Center will present "We Were There: History Through the Arts" on February 5th and 6th at 7pm. This is just another one of those incredible programs that can only be found at your Center! Call 798-2728 for more details.
By the time you read this, I can't imagine that our Charlotte Reynolds will be here. As I write this, I keep checking Roger & Rachel's blog every hour to see what is happening. They are so good at keeping everyone informed, and there are hundreds of people keeping vigil. She is so near the end that her parents can't believe that she is still here, and this waiting is very hard. It is full of anxiety, and worry. But I am proud of all of them- of Roger, Rachel, and especially Charlotte. In her four years on this earth, she has touched more lives than many of us do in a lifetime. What do you call that? Don't you think it must be divine grace? Well done, Charlotte, well done.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Stay warm. Cross your fingers for a snow day.

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