When this life is over and my days flash before my eyes, here is what I hope I remember: days of snow, trains stopped on the tracks, and dinner at ElAzteca surrounded by friends. I know that I will miss the ordinary times- when kids cry because there is snow in their gloves, sleds speeding down driveways, and clothes stained with hot chocolate. Big events like wedding and graduations will be harder to remember, and it will be those regular Sunday afternoons that we'll miss most of all. Remember them as hard as you can- they are fast and they disappear quickly.
I hope the coming weather isn't enough to shut down "We Were There: History through the Arts." this Friday and Saturday, February 5-6, 2010, at 7 p.m. at the Blackwell Auditorium on the campus of Randolph-Macon College. Residents of Ashland and Hanover County will also participate as storytellers and presenters, and the strong voices of the Ashland Community Chorus, will move us with stories told in song. Admission to the event is free to adults and children, but donations are appreciated and may be made at the door. For more information contact The Hanover Arts and Activities Center at (804) 798-2728. http://www.hanoverarts.org/.
Congratulations to the Gandy Garden Committee who have recently been awarded two grants to begin their work on transforming our school's courtyards into learning gardens! They recieved a $5000 grant from Lowe's and a $500 grant from Hanover Master Gardeners Association. What a beautiful place it will be.
Friday February 12th is Teen Movie Night at the Ashland Library at 6:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Library, and pizza will be served. Call 798-4072 for more information.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, Feb. 13th because it's Casino Night at St. Ann's Catholic Church. Get ready- theme this year is "70's Disco Fever in Funkytown." Tickets are available by calling 798-5039, and sign up early beacause child care (but spaces are limited) is available if you need it.
If you see Monica Klisz this week, wish her a Happy Birthday! Monica will begin opening her big pile of presents on Feburary 6th!
Due to the snow, the Hanover Idols Competition has been moved to Sunday, February 21. Junior Idols Competition will begin at 5:15 pm, and Hanover Idols will begin at 7:30pm. Tickets are available at the Hanover Arts & Activities Center (804-798-2728), or on the day of the shows. For more information, please visit http://www.hanoverarts.org/.
One thing that I really like about the snow, besides all the obvious things, is that you can't do anything about it. In this modern age where almost everything can be fixed or bought, it is nice to have something that puts us all on a level playing field. It is a great equalizer. I hope it brings you more happiness than not. Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com. Have a wonderful week!

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