We are certainly done with winter and headed for spring. Not only are flowers blooming, and trees budding, but there are thunderstorms and down-pours. Replace those snow boots with rain boots and step in some puddles.
This Saturday, March 20th from 8am to 1pm, Bailey Herbert will be taking Easter Pet Photos at the Ashland Feed Store. Photos are $5 and benefit American Cancer Society. Dress your pet in their Easter Best and come out for a picture! It is also Chick Days at the Feed Store, so you can get your picture with your new baby chick! And just so you know, it is completely legal to have a chicken or two in your backyard in Ashland.
Have you signed up for the Railroad Run? We have a new and improved course this year that has been tried and tested by Ashland's best runners. This year's race will be held on Saturday, April 10th and the day will include the Second Annual Green Fair. The race is a 10K (6.2 miles) and there is also a 5K Fun Walk. Be "green" and sign up on-line at http://www.hanoverarts.org/.
The performance of "We Were There: History through the Arts" has been rescheduled to March 26th & 27th at 7 p.m. at the Blackwell Auditorium on the campus of Randolph-Macon College. Come to this FREE event and enjoy the stories and songs of Ashland & Hanover County residents.For more information contact The Hanover Arts and Activities Center at (804) 798-2728. http://www.hanoverarts.org/.
This weekend at the Firehouse Theater, come see Bette Davis ("fascinating, tantalizing, and dangerous")star in William Wyler's 1940 classic , The Letter. I think you should make an evening of this and dress up like Bette Davis- put on a hat, some gloves, a tie- I guarantee that you'll have fun time. Doors open at 6:45 PM and the movie will begin at 7:30 PM.
Once again it's that time, to write down a rhyme, and enter the Library Contest! Don't delay, don't tarry- mark that calendar day: March 31st at 5pm at the latest. Stop by your friendly neighborhood library to find out more information about this contest and to pick up an entry form. Adults and kids are welcome to enter!

This weekend at the Firehouse Theater, come see Bette Davis ("fascinating, tantalizing, and dangerous")star in William Wyler's 1940 classic , The Letter. I think you should make an evening of this and dress up like Bette Davis- put on a hat, some gloves, a tie- I guarantee that you'll have fun time. Doors open at 6:45 PM and the movie will begin at 7:30 PM.
Once again it's that time, to write down a rhyme, and enter the Library Contest! Don't delay, don't tarry- mark that calendar day: March 31st at 5pm at the latest. Stop by your friendly neighborhood library to find out more information about this contest and to pick up an entry form. Adults and kids are welcome to enter!

Randolph-Macon is just bringing one good speaker after another to Ashland. We were all very impressed with George Will, and not former Governor Tim Kaine will speak on Monday, April 12th at 7pm in Blackwell Auditorium. This event it free, but a reserved ticket is required. You can go to the Randolph-Macon website to reserve a ticket (http://www.rmc.edu/) or call Anne Marie Lauranzon at 752-7317.
Well, Ashland, we are coming up on the third anniversary of this column. And in case you haven't noticed, I would just like to point out that I have never missed a week in three years. That kind of consistency is not easy for me; I must like you all an awful lot. So to celebrate, we're going to play some games and give out some prizes. Beginning next week, there will be a mystery- I'll give you some details about an event or a person in Ashland, and the first person to figure it out will win something really amazing. So, be prepared...
Send me your Ashland news: 310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Send me your Ashland news: 310-5320, or ashlandnews@gmail.com. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:
cool, more contests!
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