I know you've heard this before, but every April Fool's Day I think of my grandmother, Pauline Delano, and the jokes that she would play. She would call my house early in the morning before you realized what day it was, and tell me to go look out the window because Aunt Gertrude's cows had gotten out and were headed our way. This was perfectly believable because Gertrude's cows were notorious for escaping, and rounding them up occupied a great deal of time in the small community of Oldhams.
In fact, one of the most exciting Christmas Eves in my memory was the time that those cows got loose in the middle of dinner, and all the dads left the table to get them back in the pasture. They came back carrying Tom Kelly who had stepped in a hole and broken his ankle. Isn't it funny how if those docile, slow-moving creatures much adventure they brought to my childhood?
Then, of course, after I had put down the phone and run to the window, I would come back and say, "I don't can't see any cows down here, Nannar.", she'd giggle and say, "Oh Meriwether- it's April Fools Day!" Spread the silliness- make sure you get someone on April 1st!

Congratulations to all the Ashlanders who ran in the Monument Ave. 10K this past weekend! Running a 10K for the first time were Madison Brown, Kipp Proffitt, and Chris Dull! There is no better feeling than achieving a tough goal, and we're all very proud of them. Sign up quickly for our own 10K- the Ashland Railroad Run. The rates will increase on April 4th, so register now online. Visit the Arts and Activities website: www.hanoverarts.org , and follow the links to the race registration. If you have any questions, call the Center Director, Faith Boyle at 798-2728.
My hat is off to Sharon Stiles and the Outreach Committee of the Arts and Activities Center for the wonderful production of "We Were There, History through the Arts" this past weekend at Randolph-Macon. This Black History event was re-scheduled from February when were were buried in snow, and was well worth the wait. Actor Tony Cosby did a wonderful job bringing the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to life, and our Community Choir always makes us want to join in singing. Thank you so much for all the hard work that went into this event, and look for something equally as phenomenal next year!
Happy Birthday to Brent Chambers and April Marchetti who blew out candles on March 30th, and an early birthday cheer to Becky Stanley Sewell who gets her presents on April 2nd! I hope everyone gets lots of kisses, hugs, and fabulous gifts.

A special advisory note to any new chicken farmers in town: while chickens are permissible in town, they do require a permit. As you delight in your peeps, please write our town manager a note to let him know that you have some chickens and pledge to take care of them. Remember that gang of wild chickens that lured poor Vanilla away from her home on Duncan St.? We don't want history to repeat it'self.
There's going to be some great music at the Ashland Coffee and Tea this weekend. Saturday, April 3rd brings Grammy winner Richard Leigh in concert at 8pm. Richard has written eight songs that reached the top spot in the Country Music charts, including "The Greatest Man I Never Knew" sung by Reba McEntire. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. Contact Moya for more information: 798-1702.
I have not forgotten about the contest! It's just taking me a while to think of something really good! And now I've finally figured it out, but I need to talk to coerce some people into helping me make it work. Watch for the April 15th column- we'll need some brevity on that day! Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashalndnews@gmail.com. Have a wonderful week, and safe travels for Spring Break!
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