I didn’t expect the colors of the leaves to be as bright as they are this fall. I thought the dry summer would have dulled them, but they’re bright and gorgeous and they seem to be holding their color for a long time. We will miss all this when it’s cold and grey in another month.

Look for the special float with the beautiful green playhouse built by AC Bruce (so you know it’s built really well!) in the parade. Do you know any child that’s been really good this year? This playhouse is being auctioned off to the highest bidder and all proceeds will go to ACES, Ashland Christian Emergency Services. Please call AC at 240-9865 to make a bid.
There is another wonderful auction underway right not to benefit a very important organization in our sweet town: the Arts and Activities Center on Center Street. The Funky and Fabulous Online Auction is open for bidding until Saturday, Nov. 20th, and it’s full of one-of-a-kind items made by some of the most creative Ashlanders around! Visit http://www.centerartauction.blogspot.com/ to join the fun.
Congratulations to everyone who ran in Richmond this past weekend! There were lots of marathoners: Chief of Police Doug Goodman, Tracy Brown, Tammy Proffitt, Tamra and Rodney Bardwell, Craig and Tom Hatz, Jill and Tom Voekler, JoAnn Hunter, Susan Spence, and Tom Grant. They ran 26.2 miles, can you believe it? They did have some great cheerleaders who deserve mention: Corinne Luck ran 15.2 miles of the race, and there were friends and family all along the course.
Congratulations also to those who ran the 8K race: Kevin Proffitt and Bob Brown. This was Coach Proffitt’s first race, and he had a spectacular finishing time!
Thank you to everyone who called or sent cards last week after reading about Jack-the-dog (we used to call him that sometimes). It was really sweet of you. We are forever indebted to the wonderful staff at Ashland Veterinary Hospital, especially Dr. Mason. They could not have been nicer, or more accommodating.
Though this time of year is usually a happy one, it is also one of the most difficult times as families struggle to find money for food and presents. Please consider giving more than you get this year. There are many people who need help- many in our town.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com . Have a great weekend!

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