Dear Sweet Town of Ashland, forgive my mush, but its almost Valentines Day. I love your sidewalks- the flat, new ones, and the old ones bumpy from tree roots. I love your train tracks, even when I have to wait for a train- it gives me time to just sit and think. I love your parks, your walking trails, your pool, and your playgrounds. I love the bamboo and the wisteria that flourish here. I love your independence, and stubbornness. And I love the people you’ve got living here; they frequently make me smile.
Happy Birthday to Monica Klisz and Jen Chambers who recently celebrated! We hope that they have a wonderful year.
The Ashland Volunteer Rescue Squad is having a Bingo Game on Friday, February 18th at 7pm in their building on Duncan St. This fundraiser will help pay for their operating costs, the purchase of new medical supplies, and training for new volunteers. Doors open at 6pm, and the cost is $20 for 15 games. There will be prizes and a snack bar available. No smoking or drinking allowed, so bring your family for a fun evening! Call 798-7792 for more information.
Join the Hanover Senior Travel Commission for an upcoming spring trip. The week of April 12-15th travel to the south into a whole new world of “Springtime Beauty”. The first stop is historic Savannah, GA where you will spend the night and take in all the sights and sounds of this lovely city. With dinner over looking the Savannah River, a high energy show at the Savannah Theatre, and a guided tour of the city on the list, it’s sure to be a treat. Take a carriage ride through Beaufort, SC and a tour of Parris Island before travelling to Charleston, SC for a two night stay and many more wonderful sites. Call Ruby Ingroff at 746 8654 for more information.
Get your tickets now to listen National Public Radio’s award-winning legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg present “The Supreme Court and Its Impact on You” on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackwell Auditorium at Randolph-Macon. This event, sponsored by the Watkins Lecture Series, is free and open to the public with a required general admission ticket. Aren’t we lucky to live close to Randolph-Macon? You can order tickets on line at www.rmc.edu, or by calling 752-3605.
Registration is now open for the 33 rd Ashland Railroad Run 10K and 5K Fun Walk to be held on Saturday, April 30th. Follow through on that New Year’s Resolution and sign up to run this wonderful race in your very own hometown! Monument Ave has become so crowded over the years, but here in Ashland we have lots of parking and elbow room. Visit http://www.hanoverarts.org/ for more information and a registration form.
We have lost an important fixture in out town. You may not have known his name, but I know that you saw him, standing by the train tracks smoking a cigarette. My children used to think he was Santa with his white beard, and by all accounts, he was pretty close to the real thing. He could talk about any topic, and many people were lucky enough to listen to his stories. Tom Landers passed away last week, and he is greatly missed. We will let you know when we hear about a memorial service.
People and things slip away so quickly and easily. I doubt one lifetime in the Center of the Universe will ever be enough.
Have you bought your Valentines cards yet? You only have a few days. Call or email me and tell me about the people and places you love: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com . SWAK
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