Oh Ashland- could you be any more charming than you are during a Variety Show? People don’t really get it when I tell them about it, and I understand that because it is somewhat un-real. If I wrote the Variety Show into a movie script, they’d say that stuff like that doesn’t happen in real life. But that’s ok. Things are different here.
Ashland has incredible talent. The show was perfect. The music was outstanding, especially the Jazz Band and the Drum Line from Patrick Henry High School. As always, Fred Horn and his musicians bring life to the rafters of Blackwell Auditorium.
The children were all adorable- we are turning out a high percentage of future stage performers! The singers were spectacular, the ladies gorgeous in their sequins, and we all died laughing at studly Rob Stiles in his “Open the Door” number. Thank you Sue Watson and Lorie Foley for, yet again, planning, organizing, and executing an incredible event. Thank you to the Hanover Arts and Activities Center for sponsoring all this happiness.
Happy Birthday to Annika Cline who blew out thirteen candles on March 25th! We hope that she got everything she wished for!
The Ashland Library will host local author Fran McConnell, on April 13th at 7:00pm who will speak about self-publishing. If you’ve ever wanted to write a book, you might want to plan on attending. Also, children who need help with reading should sign up to participate in Paws to Read with Dolly, at 4:00pm on April 12th and 26th. Call 798-4072 for more information.
Registration is now open for the 33 rd Ashland Railroad Run 10K and 5K Fun Walk to be held on Saturday, April 30th. New this year, the famous Hometown Boys will be performing on Woody Tucker’s front lawn for three hours straight as all the runners go past! Visit http://www.hanoverarts.org/ for more information and a registration form.
Last week, Randolph-Macon confirmed our fears when they admitted that “someone” did not measure correctly and the football field will not fit between the new Andrews Hall and Estes Dining Hall when they flip it to the north-south alignment. English Construction Company was quoted as saying, "Hey- we build it where they tell us to."
Spring Market Day at Scotchtown is this Saturday, April 2nd from 10am to 5 pm. Shake off the last of the winter’s chill, and come visit the vendors with their handcrafted items. Enjoy a spring day outdoors and find a special item for you or your home. If you would like to be a vendor, please call for additional information and registration, 804/227-3500. There is still space available.
Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, ashlandnews@gmail.com . Happy April Fools Day!
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