We’re glad that no one was hurt in that odd little storm we had last Wednesday. The National Weather Service won’t confirm that it was a tornado, but it sure looks like something decided to take a walk from Dejarnette Park, behind Allan Funk’s house, towards the tracks! Those tree service companies are loving Ashland this week.
It’s time to decorate, Ashland! I know it’s one of your favorite things to do. Shake out those flags and that bunting, and show your patriotic pride. It’s time to stock up on crepe paper and decorate those bikes for the Annual Ashland 4th of July Parade. Line up begins at 10:15am (on the 4th) in the Henry Clay Elementary parking lot.
Pack a picnic and plan to spend the 4 th on the front lawn of the Arts and Activities Center. This event is the epitome of what a 4th of July celebration should be: friends, family, mom, apple pie, and John Philip Sousa marches played by the Hanover Concert Band. The Friends of the Ashland Library will be having their annual used book sale, so you might want to bring a big box, or a wagon, to carry home your books.
Have you thought about your pie for the Apple Pie Contest? You can drop off your homemade apple pie between 9 and 10:30am on the 4th for judging. I might have a shot at it this year if Jill Voekler stays away. Call the Center at 798-2728 for rules.
This Friday, July 1st is Movie night at the Ashland pool! Bring your rafts and floats to relax in the pool and watch the movie, “Hoot” around 8pm. A sweatshirt usually comes in handy when the sun goes down. Regular admission applies.
Do you Tweet? The Town of Ashland and the Ashland Police Department are now both using Twitter to help inform citizen quickly of town emergencies. If you have a cell phone and a texting plan, this might be something for you to try. I know it comes in handy when a train gets stopped on the tracks and you’re just about to walk out the door for work. Visit http://www.twitter.com/ and search on “townofashland.”
Today, the crepe myrtles are heavy with their white, pink, and purple blossoms. If you look upward, there are big fluffy clouds in a beautiful blue sky. I would advise you to find a hammock. Call or email with your Ashland news: ashlandnews@gmail.com, 310-5320. Have a lazy week!
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