The forecast is calling for a partly-cloudy Saturday, with high's in the low 60s, so bundle up if you are coming out to run the Ashland Railroad Run this weekend. If you are a last-minute person, registrations will be taken that morning, although you may not get a t-shirt. This is a certified 10K race, and very flat, so come record your best time!
The 5K Race and Fun Walk starts at 8:00 AM, the Kid's 1 Mile Fun Run starts at 8:15 AM, and the 40th annual 10K Railroad Run starts at 9:00 AM.
The Green Fair returns to the front lawn of the Center with all kinds of ecological vendors and practical demonstrations.
We have been waiting on spring for a long time now, but those flower beds are calling our names.
The Howard Street Backyard Plant Sale will take place Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 5th, at 203 Howard Street.
The 5K Race and Fun Walk starts at 8:00 AM, the Kid's 1 Mile Fun Run starts at 8:15 AM, and the 40th annual 10K Railroad Run starts at 9:00 AM.
The Green Fair returns to the front lawn of the Center with all kinds of ecological vendors and practical demonstrations.
The Howard Street Backyard Plant Sale will take place Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 5th, at 203 Howard Street.
Plant donations will be accepted beginning April 27th, and you can leave those on the front porch with your name on them. Those who donate (non-invasive, native plants) are eligible to shop the preview sale on the 4th, and to take home the free leftovers after the sale.
New this year, after the sale at 1:00 PM on Saturday, there will be a short talk by Kristen Saacke Blunk, who serves on the administrative council for Northeast SARE -, and on the Ag Workgroup for the Chesapeake Bay Program, https://www. agriculture_workgroup.
You can contact Julie Erickson for more information.

The 2nd Annual PHacelift Community Clean-Up will take place on Saturday, May 5th from 9:00 AM to Noon around the outside campus of Patrick Henry High School. Participants only need to bring themselves. However if you have yard supplies such as gloves, rakes, blowers, hedge trimmers, wheel barrows, etc., we welcome these additions.
Prizes will be awarded for the following categories: Largest group represented, Most Spirited PHacelift Crew, & First to PHinish section goals. For more information call 365-8000.
Your Ashland Library continues to offer wonderful programs for the community! On Wednesday, May 9th, plan to come over after dark (7:00 to 8:00) and look at the stars in the night sky with Trevor McGuire, a member of the Richmond Astronomy Society. Trevor will show us,young and old, how to view the night stars just using our own eyes. This will be a fun night for the whole family to share. One of my favorite memories as a child was looking at the stars with my dad.

In education news this week, we'd like to send congratulations to Michael Mudd who will return to Hanover County Public Schools this summer as the Director of Elementary Education! It's great to have him back home, and I know the elementary educators will be excited to have his leadership.
Also, this fall, the incredible Fred Horn will become the new music teacher at Henry Clay Elementary. I am so envious of the little people that will get to hear his booming laugh echo those hallways!

In education news this week, we'd like to send congratulations to Michael Mudd who will return to Hanover County Public Schools this summer as the Director of Elementary Education! It's great to have him back home, and I know the elementary educators will be excited to have his leadership.
Also, this fall, the incredible Fred Horn will become the new music teacher at Henry Clay Elementary. I am so envious of the little people that will get to hear his booming laugh echo those hallways!
Enjoy the spring Ashland; that beautiful green color is just atarting to sweep over the town. Call or email me with your Ashland news: 310-5320, Have a wonderful weekend.
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